我们点击设置中的Plugins进行插件的安装,在右侧选择Browse repositories...,然后在搜索页面输入lombok变可以查询到下方的Lombok Plugin,鼠标点击Lombok Plugin可在右侧看到Install按钮,点击该按钮便可安装。 3 我们在安装页面可以看到lombok具体支持的所有注解,在安...
生产就绪特性:具备监控、度量和健康检查等功能,适合生产环境使用。 Spring Boot的开发工具: Spring Tool Suite (STS):这是Spring官方推荐的集成开发环境,提供了对Spring Boot的良好支持。 IntelliJ IDEA:这款流行的IDE也提供了对Spring Boot的支持,包括自动完成、代码提示和一键运行等功能。
我正在尝试在我的sts中设置lombok。 到目前为止,我已经完成了以下步骤:我下载了lambok jar文件。我运行该文件并指定sts.exe的路径,然后单击install。但是它仍然不能识别我的文件中的getter。它会产生以下错误。.*;import lombok.Getter; import lombok</e 浏览63提问于2020-06-22得票数 1 2回答 如何让龙目鱼和...
lombok.jar 适用于java开发工具Eclipse、sts、idea插件lombok.jar插件,版本1.18.4,节省开发者开发时间。 立即下载 上传者: FuyanWang 时间: 2020-05-21 lombok-jar包.zip lombok-jar包 立即下载 上传者: weixin_40932575 时间: 2021-09-03 新建文件夹lombok.7z IDEA2019.1手动安装lombok-plugin-0.29-...
I upgraded my spring boot project from 2.3 to 3.1 , I do not get any red markers in my code,but when I try to build the project, I get these errors: Lombok works in STS: The build works upto spring boot version 3, but when I change it to...
Downgrade the version of eclipse to 2022-09 or 2022-12, it works for me. 👍1👎2 thomsenomentioned this on Mar 20, 2023 Lombok and spotless-maven-plugin Issues spring-projects/sts4#1008 11 remaining items Load more thomseno commented on Mar 26, 2023 thomseno on Mar 26, 2023· ...
我使用的是带有Lombok plugin 0.13.14的IntelliJ 2016.2.1,我的源代码是Java8,我启用了注解预处理或其他调用,并将lombok.jar添加到我的库中。然而,我唯一的问题是,我实际上没有在IntelliJ帮助弹出窗口中看到getter /setters(当您中途键入方法时,它会显示出来,它会给您提供一个可以使用的字段/方法名列 浏览1提问...
I did some research, tested the projects with STS and realized that it was IJ that was causing the problem. I've tried everything I've been told to do above to solve the problem but still nothing. i've been hovering over this for 3 days now. can anyone help me please? code ...
I did some research, tested the projects with STS and realized that it was IJ that was causing the problem. I've tried everything I've been told to do above to solve the problem but still nothing. i've been hovering over this for 3 days now. can anyone help me please? code ...
AS出现的错误: This version of Android Studio is incompatible with the Gradle Plugin used. 错误的具体描述: Error running formyself: This version of Android Studio is incompatible with the Gradle Plugin used. Try disabling Instant Run (or updating either the IDE or the Gradle plugin to the late...