[BUG] Lombok @Data not working - The annotation @Generated is disallowed for this location Lombok is installed in STS, I've been using it on multiple other projects. I've imported a new project, tried Maven -> update project, tried cleaning projects. Issue is only with the@Dataannotation,...
I upgraded my spring boot project from 2.3 to 3.1 , I do not get any red markers in my code,but when I try to build the project, I get these errors: Lombok works in STS: The build works upto spring boot version 3, but when I change it to 3, These errors pop up. But when I...
Lombok not working! Common on JETBRAINS engineers, slow down your speed, and focus on not creating new issues in newer versions. Take time, test thoroughly, no need to hurry. Such breaking changes is so bad!!! I am paying for IntelliJ Ultimate, I expect no such breaking changes at ...
jquery .html does not work with script This code is not working on IE8 at all. FF3 is executing but the page is blank and seems loading not ending. My code is: I want to let page load ad on ready. This works for me in FF3 and IE7: When you... ...
lombok下载地址:https://projectlombok.org/download 第一步:下载lombok插件,拷贝到STS安装目录下,如下图 第二步:CMD切换到该目录下,输入java -jar lombok.jar 第三步:如图步骤点击...Mac系统中sts 安装lombok 插件方法 我们在使用mac 中sts/eclipse 的时候,有时候需要给其安装lombok的插件,该插件使用热度也是...
Lombok not working! Common on JETBRAINS engineers, slow down your speed, and focus on not creating new issues in newer versions. Take time, test thoroughly, no need to hurry. Such breaking changes is so bad!!! I am paying for IntelliJ Ultimate, I expect no such breaking changes at...
jquery .html does not work with script This code is not working on IE8 at all. FF3 is executing but the page is blank and seems loading not ending. My code is: I want to let page load ad on ready. This works for me in FF3 and IE7: When you... ...
sts eclipse环境下报错log cannot be resolved 问题:在引用注解@Slf4j时probloms报错log cannot be resolved解决: 1.查询本地maven库中的lombox的版本并复制jar包。 2,将1中的jar包复制到你的tool的根目录下,并找到sts.ini 文件 3.编辑sts.ini文件。在最后加上 -Xbootclasspath/a:lombok-1.18.6.jar -java...
Not using Lombok 😉 (when it works) 🫣 My bad, wasn’t aware of the@Accessorsfeature. Sorry, something went wrong. Copy link danibscommentedMar 27, 2023 Sorry, my mistake! 😢 The .ini file was configured with the wrong path of Lombok... ...
Environment: JDK : 1.8_121 IDE : STS 3.9.4.RELEASE Maven Compiler Plugin : 3.6.1 Lombok Version : 1.18.4 I have seen solution for the issue, but not working even changing the versions as mentioned in other posts. Plugin Config: <plugin> ...