Project Lombok is a java library that automatically plugs into your editor and build tools,spicing up your java.Never write another getter or equals method again,withone annotation yourclasshasa fully featured builder,Automate your logging variables,and much more. 根据Lombok官网的描述可以看出: 代码语...
Fixed #33: Builder annotation with partial implementation shows errors Fixed #78: Support for constructors of @Value objects with assigned final fields Fixed #79: Support for multiple @Builder in same java class Fixed #80: Some issues with "delomboked" @Builder on static method ...
Fixed #33: Builder annotation with partial implementation shows errors Fixed #78: Support for constructors of @Value objects with assigned final fields Fixed #79: Support for multiple @Builder in same java class Fixed #80: Some issues with "delomboked" @Builder on static method ...
a null check will be generated that will result in aNullPointerExceptionshould a null value be provided. Additionally, if Lombok is generating a constructor for the owning class then the field will be
# lombok.anyConstructor.suppressConstructorProperties=[false|true]# ## ## Key:lombok.builder.className ## Type:string ## ## Default nameofthe generated builderclass.A*is replacedwiththe nameofthe relevanttype(default=*Builder).## ## Examples:# ...
Bumpsorg.projectlombok:lombokfrom 1.18.32 to 1.18.34. PLATFORM: Added support for Eclipse 2024-06; you'd get someNoSuchMethodErrortraces in your logs if using@Builderor@Singularprior to this fix. [Issue#3638](projectlombok/lombok#3638). ...
lombok是一款可以精减java代码、提升开发人员生产效率的辅助工具,利用注解在编译期自动生成setter/getter/toString()/constructor之类的代码。代码越少,意味着出bug的可能性越低。 官网地址: 首页有一段几分钟的演示视频,看完就明白是怎么回事了。
Request: Mark fields for which getters and/or setters are overrides #1178 openedJun 7, 2023bysimonstratmann Intellij documentation tab fails to load info from constructor created with AllArgsConstructor #1175 openedApr 22, 2023bycharcoast
(staticConstructor = "of") breaks intellij's type inference Fixed #334: Added support for inlining getters/setters 0.13 Fixed #226: @Setter(AccessLevel.NONE) triggers error and not just warning on final fields Fixed #254: Properties from lombok.config does not involve on suggestion list Fixed...
but you can also put it on a class’s constructor or on a static method. In that case, Lombok will create a setter method on the builder class for every parameter of the constructor/method. That means you can create a custom constructor with parameters for all the fields of the class ...