T cannot be resolved to a type。 Bellow 是生成的具体 Mapstruct UserMapperImpl: public class UserMapperImpl implements UserMapper { @Override public PageDto<UserDto> toDto(Page<UserEntity> entity) { if ( entity == null ) { return null; } PageDto.PageDtoBuilder<T> pageDto = PageDto.bu...
关于Eclipse maven项目中的“Autowired cannot be resolved to a type”报错问题的解决方法 出错提示:Autowired cannot be resolved to a type; 问题截图: 第一想法:应该是缺少了jar包。找到对应的包如下: 点击对应类打开发现问题如下: 很明显地可以看出确实是jar包出现了问题,找到本地仓库,删除这个jar包,然后重新...
[ERROR] /D:/document/development/java/project/bukkit-yuanluServerDo/src/yuan/plugins/serverDo/bungee/ConfigManager.java:[95,42] Cannot use 'val' here because initializer expression does not have a representable type: Type cannot be resolved [ERROR] Lombok visitor handler class lombok.javac.handl...
Looks like this might be a red herring. The root of the issue was: val future = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> CompletableFuture.completedFuture(1)); try { val result = future.get(); ... explicitly defining the generic type solved the problem: ...
sts eclipse环境下报错log cannot be resolved tool的根目录下,并找到sts.ini文件3.编辑sts.ini文件。 在最后加上 -Xbootclasspath/a:lombok-1.18.6.jar-javaagent:lombok-1.18.6.jar对应你的jar包版本。 4.重启sts。 5.eclipse和myEclipse应该也相同。
1. 将 lombok.jar 复制到 myeclipse.ini / eclipse.ini 所在的文件夹目录下 2. 在eclipse文件夹中,找到打开 eclipse.ini / myeclipse.ini,在最后面插入以下两行并保存: -Xbootclasspath/a:lombok.jar -javaagent:lombok.jar 3.重启 eclipse / myeclip 如果还不成功,就是lombok版本和eclipse不匹配...
1. 将 lombok.jar 复制到 myeclipse.ini / eclipse.ini 所在的文件夹目录下 2. 在eclipse文件夹中,找到打开 eclipse.ini / myeclipse.ini,在最后面插入以下两行并保存: -Xbootclasspath/a:lombok.jar -javaagent:lombok.jar 3.重启 eclipse / myeclip 如果还不成功,就是lombok版本和eclipse不匹配...
This is a known bug, and not something that's easy to fix. Static imports are resolved before the annotation processors are run. This is a problem in javac, not lombok. 简单阐述下,这是一个已知的Bug,并且很难修复。静态导入在注解处理器(annotaion processors)运行之前就被编译器解析了,这是java...
extends Node> type = node.getClass(); // The Lombok AST uses a flat hierarchy of node type implementation classes // so no need to do instanceof stuff here. if (type == MethodDeclaration.class || type == ConstructorDeclaration.class) { return null; } if (type == VariableDefinition.cl...
T cannot be resolved to a type。 Bellow 是生成的具体 Mapstruct UserMapperImpl: public class UserMapperImpl implements UserMapper { @Override public PageDto<UserDto> toDto(Page<UserEntity> entity) { if ( entity == null ) { return null; } //this line causes a compile-time error: T ca...