Lomas de LachayAndesRiver terracesQuaternaryThe Lomas de Lachay are the first ridges of the western slope of the Andes, about 100 km northward from Lima. This study examines the structure and age of fluvial terraces in the valleys of different orders. Accumulation of alluvium took place during...
Define Lomas. Lomas synonyms, Lomas pronunciation, Lomas translation, English dictionary definition of Lomas. n a lobe or connective tissue on the toe of a bird Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins P
RESILIENCIA DE LA COMUNIDAD EPÍGEA DE COLEOPTERA EN LAS LOMAS DE LACHAY DESPUÉS DEL EVENTO EL NIÑO 1997-98. (Spanish).(English):The present study describes the resilience of a epigeic beetle assemblage inhabiting in a lomas formations in the face of the changes caused by the occurrence...
El director del Instituto Público de Chancay, José Melecio, dijo a Ya Noticias, que después de 27 años de vida institucional han logrado el... Destacados Huaral: Hallan restos humanos y vestigios arqueológicos en Lomas de Pampa... ...
شهر لوماس (در حوالی بوینوس آیرس - آرژانتین)是将“lomas"翻译成 波斯文。 译文示例:Its main purpose is to restore and protect the ecosystem of the Lomas de Lachay (Lachay Hills). ↔ هد...
Spatio - temporal changes in the avian diversity values from Lomas de Lachay, were evaluated in order to identify the development of resilience processes, after the ENSO 97 - 98 perturbation. The avian diversity, showed a post - ENSO process probably in association with the low herbaceous ...
LachayMolluscaSuccinea peruvianaFacultad de Ciencias Biogicas UNMSM.The analysis of the responses 01 two land snail species, Bostryx conspersus (Bulimulidae) and Succinea peruviana (Succineidae) Irom the Lomas 01 Lachay (Lima, Peru) to the changing environmental conditions before, during and ...