求助,lol启动问题..有时候打就是正常的,有时候打就突然给我显示You are trying to open the league of lege nds game client in an invalid success
全文是:You are trying to open the league of legends game client in an invalid way.To successfully open the game client, click on the Play button and join a queue or create a custom game. 翻译是:你在尝试以一种无效的方式打开英雄联盟的客户端。要想成功打开游戏客户端,请点击“play”按钮,加入...
点开lol以后就显示这个,有没有大佬知道怎么弄,cfhd就能正常打开。you are trying to open the league of legends game client in an invalid way.To successfully open the game client,click on the Play button and join a queue or create a custom game 送TA礼物 深思熟虑不轻信,陌生卡里不打钱! 1楼20...
全文是:You are trying to open the league of legends game client in an invalid way.To successfully open the game client, click on the Play button and join a queue or create a custom game. 翻译是:你在尝试以一种无效的方式打开英雄联盟的客户端。要想成功打开游戏客户端,请点击“play”按钮,加入...
全文是:You are trying to open the league of legends game client in an invalid way.To successfully open the game client, click on the Play button and join a queue or create a custom game. 翻译是:你在尝试以一种无效的方式打开英雄联盟的客户端。要想成功打开游戏客户端,请点击“play”按钮,加入...
全文是:You are trying to open the league of legends game client in an invalid way.To successfully open the game client, click on the Play button and join a queue or create a custom game. 翻译是:你在尝试以一种无效的方式打开英雄联盟的客户端。要想成功打开游戏客户端,请点击“play”按钮,加入...
全文是:You are trying to open the league of legends game client in an invalid way.To successfully open the game client, click on the Play button and join a queue or create a custom game. 翻译是:你在尝试以一种无效的方式打开英雄联盟的客户端。要想成功打开游戏客户端,请点击“play”按钮,加入...
全文是:You are trying to open the league of legends game client in an invalid way.To successfully open the game client, click on the Play button and join a queue or create a custom game. 翻译是:你在尝试以一种无效的方式打开英雄联盟的客户端。要想成功打开游戏客户端,请点击“play”按钮,加入...
全文是:You are trying to open the league of legends game client in an invalid way.To successfully open the game client, click on the Play button and join a queue or create a custom game. 翻译是:你在尝试以一种无效的方式打开英雄联盟的客户端。要想成功打开游戏客户端,请点击“play”按钮,加入...
全文是:You are trying to open the league of legends game client in an invalid way.To successfully open the game client, click on the Play button and join a queue or create a custom game. 翻译是:你在尝试以一种无效的方式打开英雄联盟的客户端。要想成功打开游戏客户端,请点击“play”按钮,加入...