1. Wukong Wukong is an AD champion that can be played in the Jungle or Solo lane. He is a champion with exceptional mobility and damage. He can become a good initiator for his team with his ultimate ability and still be able to get out of a dangerous situation with his clone that has...
Tank jungle clears are often slow and unhealthy so invading them on their jungle camps is a good strategy for disrupting them. Wukong is one of the only bruisers that can take advantage of that. He has armor shred on his Q. The Q is also an auto-attack resetter which is great for ...
Wukong -- X -- Xayah Xerath Xin Zhao -- Y -- Yasuo Yone Yorick Yuumi -- Z -- Zac Zed Zeri Ziggs Zilean Zoe Zyra COMP BUILDERreset comp SCORECARD 0% LaneTotal/Goal Top0/1 Jungle0/1 Mid0/1 ADC0/1 Support0/1 RoleTotal/Goal ...
悟空jungle vs jungle Counters 悟空 jungle on Patch 14.21 is the strongest counter to jungle champions of 阿姆姆, 賽勒斯 & 拉姆斯. While 悟空 jungle is countered most by jungle champions of 卡爾瑟斯, 烏迪爾 & 努努和威朗普. Below is a detailed breakdown of 悟空 jungle counters against jungle cham...
Here’s a detailed look at what league of legends Jungle champions in our SS Tier are doing the best. Jarvan IV ( BEST PICK) Heir apparent to the throne of Demacia and the king’s only son, Jarvan IV embodies the nation’s greatest virtues. Jarvan is more than just an exceptional warr...
While most who had watched LGD all year wouldn't have expected them to go undefeated, they still would have expected that, at the very least, the mid-jungle combination of Han "Peanut" Wang-ho and Su "xiye" Han-Wei would get them to the top of the group. LPL fans held their ...
A bit of tampering with his build and reckless ganking seems to work. Tier 2 may be too high though. He does have plenty of negative match ups and a pretty weak early jungle.Shyvana - As fast as mordekaiser but not as useless as him from the jungle (or in general). An incredible ...
Wukong jungle hasn’t been monkeying around in pro play and solo queue. In this patch, we’re looking to tone down his early game pressure by reducing his base damage and his clear speed that comes with his E. We’re also lowering the incentive to max W second, as it currently gives...
All that being said, the game has to end fast for Shaco to keep his dominance. With full 6 item build and level 18, Shaco is extremely dangerous… unless the enemy team also has those things. An Irelia, Wukong, Lee Sin, [etc.] with equal farm to Shaco will make short work of him...
Kha'Zix [Damage]:This bug has always been incredibly good at picking off enemies and snowballing to victory. In the current damage jungler meta, he does especially well considering tanks are falling out of favor. Overall, he also has a very versatile jungle clear pattern, making it difficult...