League of Legends World Championship semakin dekat, dan dengan tim-tim yang sudah dipastikan menang, inilah saatnya untuk mencermati lebih dekat tim-tim teratas dan tim-tim favorit yang patut diwaspadai pada tahun 2024. Gen.G Esports Jika ada yang jelas menjadi unggulan tahun ini, itu adalah ...
MAD Lions are not the best on the World Championship stage. Apart from one quarterfinal finish at Worlds 2021, MAD Lions have been knocked out of Play-Ins twice and exited the Swiss Stage with just one singular win at Worlds 2023. This World Championship wasn’t even the first time they ...
In one of the greatest accomplishments in League of Legends history, T1 won back-to-back Worlds titles for the second time and this time did it with the exact same roster as 2023. It was a third-consecutive Worlds final for the iconic squad and they once again performed when it mattered...
08:00 a.m. EST (October 19, 2023) The new LoL Worlds 2023 format League of Legends Worlds 2023: Who made the first Pentakill of the tournament? The League of Legends World Cup presents a great novelty this time around: aSwissstyle of competition. The new format starts fromOctobe...
(LoL) players and fans will be able to come together and experience the excitement of the World Final, broadcast live from Chase Center in San Francisco to movie theaters across the globe, including the US, Canada, South America and multiple other territories. Tickets go on sale in the US ...
八强赛:inpk.kr/worlds23-quarter半决赛:inpk.kr/worlds23-semi决赛:inpk.kr/worlds23-final#英雄联盟S13# 英雄联盟超话 û收藏 34 34 ñ187 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...2023微博年度十大电竞媒体 电竞博主 3 公司 玩加电竞 查看更多 a 1210关注 ...
日期:11月19日 地点:首尔高尺天空巨蛋(Gocheok Sky Dome) 门票售价:80,000韩元(约447.97人民币) 门票购买地址: 韩国:https://tickets.interpark.com/special/sports/promotion?seq=22 其他国家: 八强赛:inpk.kr/worlds23-quarter 半决赛:inpk.kr/worlds23-semi ...
5. 2023 JD Gaming 五局 World's Semifinal JDG 1:3 T1 全年无敌的“丞相”,在很多人眼里超越了s8的RNG,甚至触摸到了巅峰SKT在一年内的统治力。但是事不遂人愿,滔搏双子星熟悉的味又冲了。更多是整体实力的不济,他们同样在半决赛倒在了T1的脚下。这个打完一年就散的银河战舰,是否也能给观众们留下一些独特...
Rules (Are Meant to Break)【2023季中冠军赛主题曲MV】 Re-Up【2023季中冠军赛入围赛第六日宣传片】 Bounce Back【2023季中冠军赛胜败分组赛第一日宣传片】 Smoke【2023季中冠军赛胜败分组赛第八日宣传片】 A World of Our Own【2023季中冠军赛决赛宣传片】 ...
2023LoL全球总决赛举办地为韩国,LCK官方频道发布了由S12冠军AD、DK下路选手Deft出镜的宣传片,【Home of LCK | 2023 World Championship】。 包括Gumayusi、Peyz、Deft、Viper、deokdam等多位选手出镜。 而在最后Deft站在舞台中央放出狠话:别想再我的地盘撒野(Not In My House) 龟龟 LCK一线AD都给戴先生压阵的排...