Wild Growth (R) Lulu can enlarge her ally or herself for 7 seconds and then knock up all enemies near the target at the time of cast. Lulu or her ally can get bonus health and slow nearby enemies. SS-Tier Amumu ( BEST PICK) Blitzcrank Leona Lulu S-Tier Morgana Nami Sona Thresh Yu...
《英雄联盟国际服(League of Legends: Wild Rift)》是一款风靡全球的一款moba手游,游戏中有不同的英雄,每一个英雄之间相互counter,游戏为5v5的对抗模式,各种紧张刺激的团战,丝血极限反杀。秀和被秀就在一瞬间,喜欢的小伙伴快来下载体验吧! 英雄联盟国际服手游点评 ...
Originally, Annie buffs that aimed to give the mid-queen the changes she deserves were supposed to go live with Patch 13.2. After the cyber attack, the changes were pushed back until further notice. In the currentLeaguePBE build, the promised Annie changes, which include buffs to her passive...
《英雄联盟国际服(League of Legends: Wild Rift)》是一款风靡全球的一款moba手游,游戏中有不同的英雄,每一个英雄之间相互counter,游戏为5v5的对抗模式,各种紧张刺激的团战,丝血极限反杀。秀和被秀就在一瞬间,喜欢的小伙伴快来下载体验吧! 英雄联盟国际服手游点评 ...