Lillia Counters - LoLalytics has the best Lillia jungle vs jungle Counters for Patch 15.2. LoLalytics analyses millions of LoL matches on Patch 15.2 for the best Lillia LoL counter matchups
Clutch: The ability to make good plays under pressure Countergank: Engaging as an immediate response to an enemy attacking an ally Counter Jungle: Jungling on the enemy team's side of the jungle Cover: To hold an ally's lane while they're not there CS: Creep score, which is the number...
League’s resident wolf has risen to the top of the meta thanks to the patch 7.13 Cinderhulk buff and previous carry jungler nerfs. Warwick does really well against the popular meta picks of Lee Sin and Zac, as he has a solid early-game, respectable jungle clear, good dueling and reliabl...
14 2009-04-10 麦林炮手 崔丝塔娜 Tristana the Yordle Gunner 13 2009-04-10 祖安怒兽 沃里克 Warwick the Uncaged Wrath of Zaun 12 2009-04-10 无极剑圣 易 Master Yi the Wuju Bladesman 11 2009-04-10 符文法师 瑞兹 Ryze the Rune Mage 10 2009-04-10 众星之子 索拉卡 Soraka the Starchild 9 20...
Some of the best control junglers are: Udyr, Warwick, and Trundle. The best way to Control your jungle is with a Wriggle’s Lantern. Nothing really comes close to the utility this baby has. The best way to control dragon is to establish reliable vision, but the ability to solo it at ...
Jungle:Lee Sin replaced by Warwick; Xin Zhao replaced by Nidalee. Supports:Leona replaced by Rakan Marksmen:Jhin replaced by Ezreal. Varus added to honorable mentions. Purpose Winning in solo queue is a complex affair. There are so many variables involved outside of player control such as lag...
Jungle Tier List - Shyvana Era Tier 1 - Udyr , Lee Sin , Trundle , Nocturne , Fiddlesticks , Skarner , Nunu , Cho Gath Tier 2 - Shaco , Riven , Jarvan , Warwick , Xin Zhao , Amumu , Gangplank , Rammus Tier 3 - Shyvana , Master Yi , Malphite, Maokai , Olaf , Tryndamere , ...
Gragas, Graves, Hecarim, Ivern, Jarvan IV, Karthus, Kayn, Kha'Zix, Kindred, Lee Sin, Lillia, Maokai, Master Yi, Nidalee, Nocturne, Nunu & Willump, Poppy, Rammus, Rek'Sai, Rengar, Sejuani, Shaco, Shyvana, Skarner, Sylas, Taliyah, Trundle, Udyr, Vi, Viego, Warwick, Wukong, Xin Zhao...
WarwickWukong (X) X (Y) Y YasuoYorick (Z) Z Champion Descriptions Aatrox Aatrox’s skillset deals heavy damage and high lifesteal. His hyper-aggressive gameplay is complimented by his high mobility and survivability. He excels in pushing lanes, ganking and during teamfights, can reach high-...
Alright how to counter Yasuo. A lot of Yasuo's matchups come down to skill and jungle pressure so there's not too many champions that counter him directly. It's impossible to go past Riven though because she can out-trade Yasuo with her shield if he ever gets too close and also she ...