[App] LoL Adviser – Counter picks, tips, builds, tft LoL Adviser : Full champion list with up to date information from EUW Master tier: counter picks, counter items and counter tips. Team Builder will help you pick the champion that will be most useful to your team. Builds for all cha...
May 25, 2024|Tags:TFT| AuthorDavid Hollingsworth The Teamfight Tactics Global Set Championship Dates have been revealed alongside the prize pool. The Teamfight Tactics Global Set Championship will get under on July 12th, and will run until July 14th. The 3 day even will be packed with content...
"lol.client_settings.team_builder.pass_summoner_account_id_with_afk_readiness": true, "lol.client_settings.tft.tft_direct_to_hub": false, "lol.client_settings.tft.tft_home_hub": { "battlePassOfferIds": [ "bc67768a-cf16-4917-ae92-05b630f47277" ], "enabled": true, "fallbackStorePr...