Darkin [Tear of the Goddess] - Demon These are all situational and really depends on your team composition. However off the bat Frozen Mallet is good for Ranger comps to synergize with Ashe and the Sorcerer/Assassin one is good for getting the 6 unit bonus. The Demon one isn't all that...
Dominate your matches with the best heroes for each map in Overwatch 2. Overwatch’s gameplay allows its players to freely pick and choose the best hero for the job. With an impressive roster of 30+ heroes, its variation in team comp is the game’s biggest hallmark. It makes every matc...
[TFT 聯盟戰棋/云顶之弈] 金色傳說小惡魔!!吊打各種主流陣容-女巫魔女x暗夜遊俠靠邊站!! |詳細教學 | 陣容推薦| | Set 5 | LOL Tea 一只美乐蒂_Melody 438 0 [TFT 聯盟戰棋/云顶之弈] 三國轉九五!!手把手教你如何輕鬆運營!!|詳細運營教學 | 陣容推薦| | 10.25 版本 | LOL Teamfig 一只美乐蒂_Mel...
You DON’T HAVE to pay to read info in TFT section. Real money and 150 coins will just disable ads in TFT. It’s not mandatory. You can access in one click the whole section without any payment. There are 3 buttons: 1) use coins 2) use real money 3) read info without payments ...