2、在弹窗的页面,输入你想取的名字(名字必须是英文 或 英文 数字 或 数字,不能使用特殊符号和中文,但是可以用空格号),然后点“Check Name”,如果名字没有人使用,就可以选择“1蓝色精粹”支付改名服务。3、改名成功之后,会弹出一个提示框“Summoner name change”,游戏会重启,再次登录游戏,就可以看到自己新的...
2、在弹窗的页面,输入你想取的名字(名字必须是英文 或 英文+数字 或 数字,不能使用特殊符号和中文,但是可以用空格号),然后点“Check Name”,如果名字没有人使用,就可以选择“1蓝色精粹”支付改名服务;如下图: 3、改名成功之后,会弹出一个提示框“Summoner name change”,游戏会重启,再次登录游戏,就可以看到自...
PBE REGION PBE Account Unranked ACCOUNT Unlimited BE Access to latest skins Choose your Summoner Name USD 9.99 Add to CartAcc. details NA REGION 20+ Champions Unranked ACCOUNT Hand Leveled Lifetime Warranty & Unverified Email Leveled in normal games, 0% ban ratio ...
Summoner name changes: Only refundable if your previous name hasn't been taken! Summoner icons Chromas: Full packs are one token, as are individually-purchased chromas FAQ I just made a purchase that should be refundable, but the refund option isn’t available. What should I do? If your re...
Get the puuid for summoner "Spillerrrrrrrrrr" en EUW1 using /lol/summoner/v4/summoners/by-name/{summonerName} Get their match history using this puuid on europe using /lol/match/v5/matches/by-puuid/{puuid}/ids Find a match ID that matches the list posted earlier and use /lol/match/...
Step 2: Keep scrolling until you find the ‘Summoner’s Name’ box. You also need to select the region. It will not show you the results until you select the right region. Step 3: Tap on the button ‘How Much Time I Wasted OnLoL’. ...
Can I Pick My Summoner Name? All of our League of Legends smurf accounts come with randomly generated natural names. However, if for whatever reason you don’t like your summoner name you can always change it using the included BE or RP. ...
Summoner School teaches you how to get so good you carry feeders, get platinum-tier, and even win 4v5 when someone is afk. Up-to-date with the latest season. Access your free 5-day course to sample how Summoner School will end your solo queue frustration forever. In the free League of...
As was announced today in following post https://www.riotgames.com/en/news/summoner-name-riot-ID League is shifting away from summonerNames. Does this mean that all apps that have access to League endpoints will gain access to account-v1 or will summoner-v4 change to accepting Riot IDs ...