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By deleting the Fraps folder, you will remove the mod skin from League of Legends. This will restore the game to its original appearance. It’s important to note that removing the Fraps folder will remove all of the mod skins you have installed, so be sure that you want to remove all ...
Download popular programs, drivers and latest updates easily Mod skin lol is developed by Mod league of legend. The most popular version of this product among our users is 2.0. The product will soon be reviewed by our informers. You can check Blue Satin Skin, iCF Skin Pack, Custom Skin Cl...
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Downloading LoL Skin Mod is very easy. You just have to click the link below and it will redirect you to the download site where the file is available. Click on the download button and the download will start automatically. Once you have downloaded and saved the file on your Windows comput...
lolskin使用教程 1、打开工具,进入游戏,直接进入客户端或者登陆WeGame都可以; 2、点击自己需要换肤的英雄头像,开启右下角的自动换肤功能; 3、选择需要更换的皮肤点击应用即可; 4、选中皮肤后,在右侧找到ACTIVE SKIN HERE; 5、MOD SKIN DEFAULT ENEMY---把敌人的皮肤改成默认皮肤; 6...
你好,每次英雄联盟更新之后lolskin就需要重新下载,你可以在官方网站下载最新版本。在百度上搜索lolskin然后点击那个英文网站,然后点击mod download 然后页面拉到最下面,系统会让你等待十秒钟,然后下载,打开就可以用了 下载的是最新的版本。望采纳 ...