One of the first steps you need to take to climb inLeague of Legendsis to narrow down your champion pool to one or two champs. Some players even go a step further and play only a single champ. According to theLeaguecommunity, some one-trick ponies are scarier than others. Recommended Vi...
One shot: To kill an enemy champion from 100 to 0 in a single spell or spell rotation OP: Overpowered OTP: "One-Trick-Pony" A player who can only play one champion (well) Overextending:Playing far enough to place your champion in danger of dying PBE: Public Beta Environment, a place ...
references first person shooter trick-shots, namely the "360 no-scope". ▶️"Areyouversion six or seven? I've lost count."references Ryze's several reworks. ▶️"Nowwhobelongs in a museum."referencesEzreal'siconic taunt▶️"You belong in a museum". ...
Prowler’s is the fast paced, assassin one shot style of Rek’sai everyone has grown to love. It has certain advantages and disadvantages compared to the standard Eclipse build I normally take advantage of, however I have found an interesting mix of the two that seems to make it a little ...
So you have decided your fate and started to main the ADC role. Well, you’re in for a ride of your life. No matter how fed you are, a 0-3 assassin from mid lane will still be able to one shot you and remove you from existence. In a team fight you’ll be the first one to...
Let's talk about Qiyana, the self-proclaimed queen and multi-role performer. If you can believe it, Qiyana has a bigger ego than Draven. She can play roles in the mid, top, or jungle. Whichever one you prefer, or if you were auto-filled for a role, you now know how to fill that...
One can not make demands on a cat. While dogs are ready for love and attention, cats prefer to cuddle when and where they want. This is the oldest trick in the book, if you own a dog and a cat. Never assume your dog does the most damage when you aren’t around. They are just...
The term trick out, which one might assume is an Americanism, is actually several hundred years older than the United States. The verbtrickhas been paired with the prepositionsup,off, andoutas early as the 1500s to refer to something that is embellished for the distinct purpose o...
“wanton boys that put coppers on the railroad tracks. they amuse themselves and other children, but their little trick may upset a freight train of conversation for the sake of a battered witticism.” on the other, god, how can you not feel a little thrill when you make a good one or...
Katarina [Damage/Outplay]:Katarina has proven time and time again that a Katarina one-trick is able to utterly dominate any game where their team isn't getting hopelessly slaughtered from level one. Timing her resets is key, but as long as Katarina is able to get at least one kill she ...