Seraphine is the perfectLeaguechampion when it comes to Nexus Blitz. Not only can she dish out the damage (make sure you build ability power) but she has enough sustain for the team to stick out long engagements and really push for objectives on the way to cracking open the Nexus. ...
Related:An ADC that dominated theLoLmeta for nearly a year continues to fall in priority in 2023 With numerous events and fast-paced gameplay, Nexus Blitz quickly won over the hearts of the players, though it’s been quite a while since it was available inLeague. The last ...
this Lol Tier List we looked at quite a couple of things that will justify the ranking we ended up with. We looked at the heroes’ win rate, pick rate, and ban rate (that’s a lot of rates). And then, we also took into consideration how they are performing in the current meta. ...
5 Tour Stops Red Bull League of Its Own 9 December 2023 Esports Gaming Want more of this? Gaming Level up with the latest games and esports news, reviews and films. Learn tips on how to improve … Most popular stories View all
【LOL新模式】Nexus Blitz 2217 lol半价吧 小老鼠小伟 【皮肤鉴赏】太空律动系列“猫猫”布里和里茨 太空律动是布里茨的第12款皮肤,T2传说级别,今年目前最佳皮肤。 布里茨做传说级别皮肤的难度其实并不算特别高,因为动作方面比较好重新设计,就拿W技能来说,陆地王者、苹果机器人、战场BOSS、双生的枪骑都修改了加速动...
远古龙:elder 支援:mia 游走:roam 龙魂:soul (还有一个常用搭配就是“soul point”,指的是某一方...
Metagame: The game's current playstyle based on strategy and champion selection MMR: Match Making Rating, a hidden number based on your win/loss against other players and their MMR Mpen: Magic Penetration MR: Magic Resist MS: Move speed ...