Miss Fortune laughs. Miss Fortune laughs. Miss Fortune laughs. Miss Fortune laughs. Attack Attacking 15 seconds cooldown "The fun begins." "Guns blazin'." "No prey, no pay." "I always shoot first." "Nothing but powder monkeys." "Bang!" Ability Casting Using Double Up "Ha!" "Ha!" ...
好運姐向前方錐形地帶掃射出持續3秒的強力彈幕,每波彈幕造成(+0.75)(+0.2AP)物理傷害(總波數:12/14/16)。 【彈幕時間】可以暴擊並造成120%傷害。 Hide Details 參考資料 ↑Miss Fortune's profile pageatLeagueOfLegends.com 除非另有註明,否則社區內容均使用CC-BY-SA授權條款。
MissFortune - 基本データ 編集 Miss Fortune the Bounty Hunter(CV:不明)Role:Marksman,N/ARelease:2010/09/08Update:v5.24Price: 3150 790 Attack:■■■ Defense:■■ Ability:■■■ Difficulty:■ ステータス 体力:530 – 1975 回復力:6.2 – 17.2 マナ:326 – 921 射程:550 移動速度:325 攻...
Porcelain Miss Fortune Porcelain Protector Ezreal Prestige Porcelain Kindred Prestige Porcelain Lissandra Prestige Porcelain Lux This is the first skin to give Lamb a human-like face, and second to give her a human-like appearance (following Spirit Blossom Kindred). Woof and Lamb Kindred Chromas: Ca...
"You call those guns?" Attacking Gun Goddess Miss Fortune▶️ ▶️ "You don't know what you're doing."▶️ ▶️ "You realize, we should be on the same side?" Attacking a Void creature▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ "Come on!"▶️ ▶️ ...
Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. League of Legends Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. View Mobile Site Follow on IG TikTok Join Fan Lab Check out Fandom Quizzes and cha 本网站使用Cookie Fandom以及其合作伙伴在网站上将使用Cookie等技术储存和收集来自您浏览...
Arcade Miss Fortune Arcade Riven Arcade Sona Prestige Arcade Caitlyn Prestige Arcade (2022) Caitlyn He is one of the three new Arcade players, the other being Arcade Ahri and Arcade Ezreal. His Recall animation references Galaga and/or Space Invaders. The skin was unintentionally leaked to the ...
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First Encounter with Miss Fortune"You are going to kill me? Dressed like that?"First Encounter with Nasus"Bravo, Nasus, you've ascended yourself into a dog! Now fetch me something more interesting." "I could teach an old dog millions of new tricks, but I simply don't like you, Nasus...
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