LOL是“Laugh Out Loud”的缩写,意为“大声笑”。这个缩写起源于20世纪90年代的互联网文化,最初在Usenet上流行开来,后来在各种聊天工具和网络媒体中广泛使用。LOL不仅表示对某事或某人的幽默感,还可以表示任何程度的幽默或好笑。除了其原始含义外,LOL还有其他含义,如“Lots of Love”(许多爱)和“League of Legends...
LOL is a way of expressing what makes us happy and entertains us. It can be anything from jokes and puns to memes and pictures. Whatever it is that makes us laugh. We always share it with someone so they can enjoy it. 2. It Connects Us With Other People When we get bored at work...
Joke of the Day Laugh Out Loud Michael Quach Designed for iPad 3.3 • 3 Ratings Free Offers In-App Purchases Screenshots iPad iPhone Description Best Jokes at your fingertips! This cool app will crack you up with the most hilarious jokes!
'Lol' navigates in the no man's land between the two generations and though there's really nothing new, its light, breezy manner and gentle humour that thankfully works to push the drama forward than trying to force you to laugh and works to make a pleasant and fulfilling film.And with...
《Laugh-Out-Loud Jokes for Kids,讓小朋友lol》,原價$4.99,現僅售$3.28 $2.99。購滿$25或亞馬遜Prime會員免運費。 這本書可以幫助小朋友理解西方的幽默,增加父母孩子的交流和家庭快樂!也可以增加小朋友之間的話題。 [ Shop Now ] 20 好東東 21 好價格 評委名單 (41 人) 匿名 ...
ALOL (actually laughing out loud) BLOL (big laugh out loud) ELOL (evil laugh out loud) LLOL (literally lol) LOL (laughing out loud) LOLAGE (laughing out loud (the noun) (see also loling)) LOLCAT (funny picture of a cat (usually with a caption)) LOLED (laughed out loud (i....
"Lol" stands for "Laugh out Loud" or "Laughing out Loud"; hence, lolcats are intended to be funny and to include jokes. LOL je kratica za "Laughing Out Loud" ili "Laugh Out Loud", što na hrvatskom znači "smijem se naglas". WikiMatrix Well, no more polite " LOLs " fo...
Example 2 Texter 1:You want to catch dinner tonight? Texter 2:Sure, where do you want to go? Texter 1:I don’t know. You know I’m bad with decisions, lol (In this scenario, it comes at the end of the sentence as a kind of laugh). ...
When Johnny opened this gift box, I didn’t see the “surprise” inside – but whatever it was gave him a full fledged laugh attack. He tossed the box to me with the adoring words of “just for you” and I was greeted by a middle finger on a spring!! We were in stitches and ...
went way over your head, or just wish you could rock one of those dad sweaters, too. (Seriously, they look so comfy!) Sure, his puns and sarcasm can get old at times. But, some of thebest dad jokeswill just always make you want to cringe, laugh, and hug your dad ...