League of Legends’ next update,Patch 14.7, is hitting the live servers, and we’re already expecting it to be one of the biggest balance patches of the 2024 season. Recommended Videos This April update has a long-awaited headliner in theSkarner rework, of course, but there are plenty of...
Stretching power selections like Kayn, Jarvan IV, and Tryndamere, in particular, need to be better handled, which means nerfs are on the way for some of the greatest fighters on Summoner's Rift right now. Not everything is pro-play-focused though, a totally new character is al...
Despite the many attempts in Season 13, theLeaguedevs still can’t get early game snowballing under control, so they’re taking another swing at it this patch. This latest attempt involves tuning several Epic items, including Serrated Dirk and Hextech Alternator—mainly by hitting their gold eff...
Another thing a lot of people have been asking to see progress on is the Ahri update that we announced at Season Start.Well, the ASU team has been hard at work and is ready to share some art, like the final composition seen here.The base version is close to complete and the team is...
In patch 14.7, unlike patch 14.6 with three such changes, only Camille received a local rework. The main reason for such a rework is her return to her roots: with the start of the 14th season, Camille significantly declined in the top lane and became a support, but now Riot aims to ch...
Prestige Nightbringer Kayn Her cougar form resembles the Lion of God-King Garen. Cosmic Huntress Nidalee Chromas: Citrine, Emerald, Obsidian, Pearl, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Tanzanite, Turquoise This skin shares the Cosmic theme with: Cosmic Lux Cosmic Charger Hecarim Cosmic Defender Xin Zhao Cosmic En...
t1_ban1 t1_ban2 t1_ban3 t1_ban4 t1_ban5 t2_ban1 t2_ban2 \ 0 Riven Janna Cassiopeia Draven Kayn Fiora Vayne 1 Caitlyn Darius Teemo Xayah Warwick Master Yi Vayne 2 Lulu Janna Twitch Soraka Blitzcrank Yasuo Zed 3 Zed Vayne Ornn Fiora Cho'Gath Camille Tristana 4 Malzahar Lee Sin Thre...
Happy New Year! Since it’s 2019 and season 9 starts soon, we’re now in the 9.x patch cycle. It’s time for moreLeague of Legends. 9.1 has big changes for three champions that are constantly in weird places: Kalista, Ornn and Sejuani. Kalista is getting general stat and skill damag...
we don't have plans to make changes of this size outside of Preseason in the future, unless it's really necessary.What we don't want is for huge changes like this to disrupt League's competitive integrity, especially in the middle of the season.Speaking of which, let's talk about our...
InPatch 15.2, K’Sante has a 46.56 win rate across all ranks, according toLolalytics. The Pride of Nazumah has definitely seen better days. However, his pick rate seems to be constant over the season, and his ban rate has been on the rise for the past few days. ...