51.54% Win Rate 1.57% Play Rate 0.22% Ban Rate 1172 Matches Gwen Jungle Synergy The 3 best Jungle Synergy picks good with Gwen are Xin Zhao, Kayn, and Shaco. # Win Pick Game 1 58.33% 1.28% 78 2 59.38% 1.05% 64 3 58.33%
The visual indicator will look similar to Kayn when he travels through walls. (R) Impale Skarner impales up to three champions, all while damaging and suppressing them as he gains bonus movement speed for a short time before carrying that enemy champion until the effect ends. While players...
Mobafire Build Guides Last Update | Last Comment Hybrid Off Tank Utility Movement Heimer (ARAM) Created: Oct 20th, 2015 Last updated on Oct 20th, 2015 0 Votes 1 Comments PublishedLeague of Legends Champions: AatroxAhriAkaliAkshanAlistarAmbessaAmumuAniviaAnnieApheliosAsheAurelion SolAuroraAzirBard...
Kayn A (Darkin) - Dégâts physiques par coup : 65% de vos dégâts d'attaque (+ 4% (+ 3% tous les 100 pts de dégâts d'attaque bonus) des PV max de la cible) ⇒ 65% de vos dégâts d'attaque (+ 3% (+ 2,5% tous les 100 pts de dégâts d'attaque bonus) de...