FILTER Lane Top Jungle Mid ADC Support Role Hard CC Hard Engage Disengage Poke Waveclear Tank Damage Physical Magical Utility No pref. Game Early Game Mid Game Late Game No pref. 158 CHAMPIONS ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ -- A -- Aatrox ...
Karma - For a support, she does way too much damage for getting to have a heal. Her kit looks fun, until you play against it, then you remember to ban her every game! Karthus - Global ult that deals huge damage to everyone, plus 6 seconds of mana-free casting any time you kill ...
it doesn't get any better as the game goes on as he scales incredibly hard with Titanic Hydra and full tank items to the point where he's doing more damage than champions with half his HP
When you want to push a wave, tank the melee minions until they line up, then use Glacial Storm and Flash Frost to clear Always know if your egg is up or not. You can be more ballsy when your passive is up Team Fight Tactics Your ability to clear waves and siege towers is fantastic...
Karma Karma is usually a support champion with great poke and mobility. Although a support champion, Karma can still dish out heavy damage to control the lane even without her AD Carry. Karma can play both defensive and offensively which makes her a good choice for a support ...
ALL ROTATION A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Overview Skin & Story Shenthe Eye of Twilight Feature: Tank 3 Attack Power 9 Defense Power 3 Abillity Power 4 Difficulty Champion Statics STAT / LEVELLV.1 (+per LV up)LV.18STAT / LEVELLV.1 (+per...
Lucian [Damage/Outplay]:In the current meta, Lucian specializes as a highly mobile tank-killing machine. There's also his level two power spike, which is enough to get him snowballing early through a simple E - AA - AA - Q - AA - AA combo. There are almost no champions that can ho...
ROTATION A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Overview Skin & Story RekSaithe Void Burrower Feature: Fighter,Tank 8 Attack Power 5 Defense Power 2 Abillity Power 3 Difficulty Champion Statics STAT / LEVELLV.1 (+per LV up)LV.18STAT / LEVELLV.1 (+...