1.Nautilus Nautilus is a hard engage tank support that can really set your team up for a team fight. Nautilus is one of the best champions for initiating fights in the game, he has 4 different types of crowd control abilities in his kit. His passive can root enemies when he lands a ...
5 Tour Stops Red Bull League of Its Own 9 December 2023 Esports Gaming Want more of this? Gaming Level up with the latest games and esports news, reviews and films. Learn tips on how to improve … Most popular stories View all
Ahri experience. Please note that the delivery date may be extended upon ordering to accommodate the restock process. With the UWOWO Star Guardian Ahri Cosplay, you're not just dressing up; you're stepping into the role of a beloved character, ready to support your team with the best of ...
——TL即将成为NA第四个没能小组出线的一号种子 Poor Breeze is going to have nightmares about Kaisa ——可怜的breeze做噩梦都要梦见卡莎了。 I've seen jokes about NA having 3 seeds but why the fuck do LMS have 3 seeds lol. ——我看了很多关于北美凭什么有3个名额的笑话,但是LMS凭什么有3个名额。