this Lol Tier List we looked at quite a couple of things that will justify the ranking we ended up with. We looked at the heroes’ win rate, pick rate, and ban rate (that’s a lot of rates). And then, we also took into consideration how they are performing in the current meta. ...
Lol Tier List Top Lane:Trundle Jungle:Jax Mid Lane:Annie ADC:Twitch • Jinx Support:Soraka
Not to be left out, specific jungle champs like Xin Zhao are getting a few tweaks to make them viable meta picks.Finally, there are also going to be necessary nerfs to strong champions being played off-role, like Nasus mid that’s taken over the pro play (and ranked) scene. So, a ...
Mundo goes where and does as he pleases. Under towers, into enemy teams, top lane, jungle. All places are his to spread damage and pain. Mundo’s insane tanking ability and naturally high damage make him a destructive addition to any team no matter the meta. Check out these prime example...
If you would like to examine if Vi is currently in meta, take a look at ourWild Rift Tier List! And if you are interested in other champion builds and not only Wild Rift Vi, check our guides forDr. Mundo,Draven,Evelynnand every other character from the game!
Huni purposefully picks champions outside the meta, like Lucian and Cassiopeia in hopes of getting the upper hand during the laning phase as most top laners wouldn’t know how to handle such matchups. He is one of few top laners who sometimes choose ignite instead of teleport. ...
Champion Tier List Champion Skins Directory Champion Meta ■Directory (A to Z) ■ Game Database ■ Game Modes ├Summoner’s Rift ├Twisted Treeline └Howling Abyss ■ Summoner Features Game Strategy Guides ■ Beginner Guides ├Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) ...
Fiora: She snowballs hard, however, due to the current meta, she does fall our a little. She's basically an anti-ranged ad carry imo. Heimerdinger: It's hard to lose a lane with him, but he can't really carry a game. I can understand why people put him among the worst, purely ...
Patch 13.13 ADC tier list These five champions aren’t your only options, of course. There are a lot more strong champions in the meta, and most picks can work regardless of the meta if you get proficient enough. Our overall tier list for the bot lane in patch 13.13 is below. ...
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