LOL 新ADC英雄Jinx视频演示-梦的曼森 高清观看 绑定物品自由交易 轻松玩赚武侠江湖 分享视频播放器 is loading.播放视频 This is a modal window. 视频因格式不支持或者服务器或网络的问题无法加载。连播 人民日报2024年终大盘点:凡是过往,皆为序章 《烽火与炊烟》第二支实机PV MMORPG《星之后裔2》公开推出...
For Atk Speed Jinx Bot Lane, the best rune page isPrecisionwith Fleet Footwork Keystone, yielding a 54.37% win rate, chosen in 86.15% of games, complemented bySorceryas the secondary tree runes. Precision Sorcery Skill Max Order Priority ...
果然奶妈这种英雄还得是猛男来!#lolm #jinx #adc - 凹凸于20220525发布在抖音,已经收获了1915个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Jinx vs Kaisa [ ADC ] Lol Korea Master Patch 14.17 ✅ 0 0 2024-09-08 05:36:52 您当前的浏览器不支持 HTML5 播放器 请更换浏览器再试试哦~点赞 投币 收藏 分享 游戏 电子竞技 英雄联盟 电子竞技 ADC MOBA TAKERA...
[JINX打野]详细..首先 打野优势:1.清野快 (固定清野手法 A:站在怪堆里 枪形态A3下 然后炮形态一下枪形态一下 可以保持被动3层不掉落 一般3-4次后小怪死掉 切枪平A即可 中间穿插W要注意最好不要掉被动层数 最
现在这个版本adc中jinx是不是也可以算t1级别的了? 只看楼主收藏回复 №黑の羽·諧♂ 一枝独秀 5 我寻思也没加强过啊,咋就能站出来了? 送TA礼物 回复 来自Android客户端1楼2019-09-05 10:44 qqyamada 荣耀黄金 9 还行吧,不过职业比赛还是没人玩,现在比赛基本就霞 卡莎 ez 轮子妈这几个自保能力...
Caitlyn is one of the staple characters in Wild Rift, released soon after Netflix's Arcane TV show which showcased the story of Jinx (or should I say Powder?), Singed, Heimerdinger (soon to be released in Wild Rift), Jayce, Vi and many others. She is a powerful Marksman, third in...
Janna, as usual, is the best companion for a rather passive ADC, who wants to farm up in order to becoming a destruction machine in the lane game – with Tristana and Jinx being the two best examples. With a really straightforward kit, she is an ideal champion for players j...
I wait..I TRIED to play a jungling Fiora build. I had no idea what I was doing which lead to the guy playing vivi (FFIX)-esque character to keep saying 'go adc' I asked him to elaborate to which he replied 'go adc' - Attack Damage Carry? well considering...