Viper Adc 戏命师 Build 狂风之力 迅捷步法 - Viper Jhin Match Highlight - LOL KR 12.23 492 1 7:56 App Canyon 打野 狂野女猎手 Build 海克斯科技火箭腰带 电刑 - Canyon Nidalee Match Highlight 23 -- 18:25 App 没有刺客之魂?when you try to play the game vs assassins... 125 -- 23:16 App...
LOL新英雄死亡之眼jhin射程是不是很远,弹道是不是远呢,很多玩家都不知道吧,就让小编我来告诉你们吧。 lol美服官方的facebook不小心放出了两张新英雄的帅气照片,一张疑似原画,一张是游戏中的照片。从图片上我们可以看出确实这个英雄如我们所料,是一个ADC,图中给我们展示的超长弹道更是让各位玩家看着就流口水!不...
Lux ADC Synergy The 3 best ADC Synergy picks good with Lux are Kai'Sa, Xayah, and Jhin. # Win Pick Game 1 51.50% 4.50% 434 2 58.33% 0.75% 72 3 51.36% 3.82% 368 4 53.03% 1.37% 132 5 54.00% 1.04% 100 6 57.14% 0.58%
The 3 best ADC Synergy picks good with Gwen are Jinx, Kai'Sa, and Jhin. # Win Pick Game 1 54.33% 3.42% 208 2 51.38% 5.37% 326 3 52.37% 3.13% 190 4 53.08% 2.40% 146 5 51.97% 2.50% 152 6 52.42% 2.04% 124 7 56.25%
When it comes to runes, Jhin isn’t the most versatile champion. Thanks to his synergy with the movement speed from Fleet Footwork and the fact that he cannot utilize Lethal Tempo means the most optimal option is Fleet. You can try out Dark Harvest if you want to, but the Precision tree...
Strategy Build: R>Q>W>E ABILITIES Whisper (Q)Jhin consumes his ammunition within 4 rounds and then immediately reload to shoot yet another. Dancing Grenade (W)Launches a canister that deals physical damage towards the target enemy. Deadly Flourish (E)Lets Jhin fires a shot in the direction ...
lol新英雄视频 lol新英雄定位ADC 其名为Deadeye Jhin,这几天新英雄视频很多,小编就带来lol第129新英雄视频 新英雄定位ADC 其名为Deadeye Jhin。 早在本月26日时,官网影流之主劫的界面出现了新的视频短片,随后劫的头像也是悄然改变 。从视频提取的截图,最开始大家从是漫天飘飞的樱花上猜测是日服开服相关消息,毕竟...
2. Jhin The buffs on patch 8.5 certainly did the Virtuoso well, and with a higher damage output he can outlast the lane phase relatively unscathed, shining in the later period of the game once he has at least 2 completed lanes.
Jhin Jinx -- K -- Kai'Sa Kalista Karma Karthus Kassadin Katarina Kayle Kayn Kennen Kha'Zix Kindred Kled Kog'Maw -- L -- LeBlanc Lee Sin Leona Lillia Lissandra Lucian Lulu Lux -- M -- Malphite Malzahar Maokai Master Yi Miss Fortune ...
their lane phase against Ezreal is typically pretty easy, they get the gold and items they want and need. Then, they outscale Ezreal and can either 1v1 him or outshine him in team fights. If Vayne or Sivir don't tickle your fancy,Twitch, Ashe and Jhin also tend to have favorable ...