50.26% 1.99% 194 11 50.00% 0.37% 36 12 49.07% 1.66% 162 13 48.94% 1.45% 142 14 49.83% 11.96% 1168 15 45.83% 0.49% 48 Winrate by Game Duration Game End Times by Duration Gold Accumulation Over Time Lane Minions Killed Per Minute...
53.38% 0.77% 74 11 50.97% 1.60% 154 12 53.95% 0.39% 38 13 51.09% 0.95% 92 14 50.16% 3.22% 310 15 50.53% 0.98% 94 Winrate by Game Duration Game End Times by Duration Gold Accumulation Over Time Lane Minions Killed Per Minute
Best Characters (with winrate) Vayne Ezreal (62%) Lucian (64%) Major Tournament Achievements 1st Place: Lpl Summer 2018 ($219,458) 1st Place: MSl 2018 ($527,650) 1st Place: LPL Spring 2018 ($237,168) Uzi retired around 2019 due to his wrist injury. Before this, his name was known...
As of today, the current winrate for the blue team on EUW is 50.4 % (as of League of Graphs). My data is only slightly off. That is totally fine. And the beloved heatmap. For this heatmap, though, I decided to use the features that will be created in the next chapter. That sti...
Rek’Sai has been a bit under the radar in terms of proplay, but in SoloQ, she has been a monster. The Queen of the Xer’Sai has received some hefty buffs a few patches back, which pushed her to an almost 55% percent winrate in the toplane, while almost reaching 56% in the jung...
In an effort to evade the Great Eye’s gaze, some scripting suites claim to have “gone external,” and what they really mean is that they’re no longer calling game functions directly, only reading client memory (from the operating system) and simulating peripheral input. This actually affor...
To scrape the static winrate from the HTML, I had to search for tags, going layer by layer until I got to the magic number I was looking for. Repeating this step for KDA ratio and Games played, the simplest way to work with this data was with Champion() objects in an array storing...
Winrate (in platoon) WN8 WN7 Avg tier Damage ratio Kills/death Damage per battle Kills per battle Spots Survival Eligible members 30 days 90 days All time 14,168 62.32% 28.52% 2,933 1,663 8.70 1.67 2.22 2,199 1.13 1.46 46.65% 9 ...
52.42% 1.32% 62 11 51.32% 1.62% 76 12 51.47% 1.45% 68 13 52.27% 0.94% 44 14 50.00% 0.68% 32 15 48.68% 0.81% 38 Winrate by Game Duration Game End Times by Duration Gold Accumulation Over Time Lane Minions Killed Per Minute
52.59% 0.59% 116 11 58.33% 0.18% 36 12 51.81% 0.70% 138 13 51.74% 0.44% 86 14 51.32% 0.39% 76 15 51.39% 0.37% 72 Winrate by Game Duration Game End Times by Duration Gold Accumulation Over Time Lane Minions Killed Per Minute