Ezreal is a skill-based champion that can go either Mid or Bot lane. Unlike most Mid or Bot lane champions, Ezreal is highly mobile and has an escaping mechanism that can let him play aggressively Fiddlesticks Fiddlesticks’ life stealing skills provides high sustain while he roams around the ...
Swain - Not too OP until after level 6. Then he can just CAWCAWCAW like a Fiddlesticks, and do all the damages while gaining all the hps. And if he gets low on mana, just turn it off to do again next wave. Syndra - Not only do you have to avoid HER, you also have to avoid...
Synergy With: Kennen, Rumble, Karthus, Fiddlesticks, Sona, Cassiopeia, [aoe crowd-control], [aoe burst damage], [carries that don’t use blue buff] Gangplank : So Much Booty My Preferred Method: Shotgun Heavy Gangplank has always been OP. Right now, he can play any role in the game...
Fiddlesticks’R - Crowstorm Jayce’sW - Lightning Field Katarina’sR - Death Lotus Kennen’sR - Slicing Maelstrom Lucian’sR - The Culling Miss Fortune’sR - Bullet Time Mordekaiser’sW - Harvester of Sorrow Morgana’sW - Tormented Shadow ...