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Fandom's League of Legends Esports wiki covers tournaments, teams, players, and personalities in League of Legends. Pages that were modified between April 2014 and June 2016 are adapted from information taken from Esportspedia.com. Pages modified between June 2016 and September 2017 are adapted fro...
Gamepedia的LOLEsportsWiki 已更新亚运会LOL表演项目条目 总共有八支代表队参赛:东道主印度尼西亚一支,中亚、南亚、东南亚、西亚各产生一支,东亚三支。 东亚情况:中国,中国香港,中国澳门,中国台湾,朝...
EGamersWorld☕ - ✋All esports pro teams LoL ➦ Rating, results, a statistic of matches ➦ Actual rosters, a schedule of upcoming matches and tournaments.
电竞世界杯基金会今日宣布,预定2024年夏季在沙地阿拉伯首都利雅得登场、电竞世界杯(Esports World Cup,简称EWC)将祭出电竞史上最高额奖金、总奖金将超过6000万美元(约新台币19亿6千万元),在为期八周赛程中、将有众多世界顶级电竞俱乐部与选手参加《英雄联盟》、《星海争霸 2》、《快打旋风 6》等 19 款游戏共 20...
(S1总冠军Fnatic,图源:lolesports) FNC最广为人知的荣誉或许就是在LOL这个游戏刚起步时的S1总冠军,说FNC是英雄联盟最古老的战队之一也是合理的。而FNC现任上单sOAZ也是S1决赛的参与者之一,只不过他那个时候在FNC对面的AAA战队。在G2横空出世之前,FNC是EU赛区当之无愧的王者,仅在S4的夏季赛丢掉了冠军宝座。像Gambi...
15. Yusui Image View Gallery Starting us off we have Yusui, a mid laner for Team Dignitas. A lot of people would disagree with putting Yasui on this list, but seeing his performance in LCS Summer this year against TL, I believe there will come a time for this player to shine. ...
Returns the latest news from lolesports. Parameters [opt] {Object} [opt.limit] {number | string} The maximum amount of news to return, if omitted, limit will default to 10, max of 50. [opt.offset] {number | string} The numbers of articles to skip. [opt.category] {number | string...
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According to theLeague of LegendsFandom wiki, the Blood Moon skin line is broken down into two halves, with certain champions being identified as Blood Moon “cultists” and others being known as Blood Moon “demons.” It’s unclear at this time which sides of that divide these t...