As one the biggest games in the world, League of Legends is constantly under the microscope when it comes to player counts, popularity, how strong its global esports scene is, and how “dead” it really is, with League lovers and haters alike always very invested in the answers. ...
Reddit爆料,拳頭對於員工有一項新的規定: 對於想要直播的Riot員工,有了一項新的規定。當他們直播Riot遊戲時,不再允許他們從直播中獲利,但是當他們直播其他類型的內容時仍然可以獲利。 需要明確的是,他們仍然可以直播Riot的內容,例如Mort上週末還在直播。 大部分的社群媒體流量來自於 Youtube,其次是 Reddit 及 X-twitter(電腦)。透過 WhatsApp Webapp 吸引受眾,可能會創造新的機會 分享 社群網路 13 社群網路分布 45.85%30.62%14.7%4.71%1.33%2.78% Youtube Reddit X-twitter Facebook WhatsApp Webapp 其他lol...