Original Dr. Mundo His raccoon nurse can be seen in the background. He wears a bunny slipper on one foot. He and his pre-rework version vaguely resemble Krunk from the Dexter's Laboratory animated series. Original Dr. Mundo Zaun can be seen in the backgr
▶️ "Mundo need medical supplies. To the dump!" ▶️ "Oops, Mundo need to sterilize instruments, whatever that mean." ▶️ "Dr._Mundo, you needed back at the healing place. Okay!" ▶️ Dr. Mundo groans.Death▶️ "Beep... beep... beeeep..." ▶️ "Who... ...
佐恩狂人-蒙多医生(DR.Mundo) 英雄:佐恩狂人-蒙多医生(DR.Mundo) 能力:打钱,治疗,打断,抗打击,减速,菜刀,肉盾,近战 背景资料: 这个被人们叫做蒙多医生的家伙就是在佐恩城出生的,他天生就泯灭了良知。他希望通过实验来散播苦痛的欲望则是无止尽的。在他5岁的时候,邻居家的猫啊狗啊的大多都失踪了,然后等他到...
[Top 10] LoL Best Dr. Mundo Players Mundo goes where and does as he pleases. Under towers, into enemy teams, top lane, jungle. All places are his to spread damage and pain. Mundo’s insane tanking ability and naturally high damage make him a destructive addition to any team no matter...
bili_46483816355创建的收藏夹bili_46483816355内容:英雄联盟lol欧服League of Legends大蒙多Dr. Mundo,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
[分享]lol开场台词 lol 开场台词 卡牌大师-崔斯特Twisted Fate:Lady Luck is smiling,幸运女神在微笑 虚空行者-卡萨丁Kassadin:The balance of power must be preserved ,必须保持力量的平衡 沙漠死神-内瑟斯Nasus:The psycho of life and death continues,we will live,they will die.生与死的精神延伸着,我们...
Dr. Mundo 蒙多 "Mundo!" 蒙多! (哎,一代神医吃药吃到变智障了。。。)Evelynn 艾华琳 "The night is my veil, ha-ha-ha-ha..." 夜幕就是我的天下,哈-哈-哈-哈。。。 (女王笑)Fiddlesticks 稻草人 "Your bidding, master!" 您的指示,大人!Gangplank 船长 "Prepare to be board...
AatroxAhriAkaliAkshanAlistarAmbessaAmumuAniviaAnnieApheliosAsheAurelion SolAuroraAzirBardBel'VethBlitzcrankBrandBraumBriarCaitlynCamilleCassiopeiaCho'GathCorkiDariusDianaDr. MundoDravenEkkoEliseEvelynnEzrealFiddlesticksFioraFizzGalioGangplankGarenGnarGragasGravesGwenHecarimHeimerdingerHweiIllaoiIreliaIvernJannaJarvan IVJaxJayce...
英雄登场台词 剑魔———这场战争将成为我的杰作 阿狸———我们心有灵犀,不是吗?阿卡利———奉均衡之命 牛头———没什么可以把俺击退 阿木木———我还以为你从来都不会选我呢 冰鸟———冰凤展翅 安妮———火焰,是我最喜欢的玩具 艾希———世间万物皆系于一箭之上 机器人———发动机已...