3.想要有惊艳的表现就必须从日常开始练习,现在就让我们准备开始闯关吧! 4.这是一款挑战性十足的休闲游戏,你将操控伊泽瑞尔或者亚索来躲避各种弹道攻击。 展开+ 游戏截图 应用信息 名称:Lol Dodge Exercise 版本:7 包名:com.loldodgegame.skillshotgame MD5值:66fd4212918a81736bcc3278ee5f9dd9...
应用信息 厂商: 官网:暂无 包名:com.loldodgegame.skillshotgame MD5值:66fd4212918a81736bcc3278ee5f9dd9 权限管理须知点击查看玩家留言精品推荐海王捕鱼怀旧版 捕鱼大世界新手领千万金币版 捕鱼大作战明星代言版 大神捕鱼安卓版 宾果消消消2023版 开心消消乐 鱼丸游戏一夜暴富版 一龙代言趣赢功夫捕鱼安卓版 小玛丽...
应用信息 厂商: 官网:暂无 包名:com.loldodgegame.skillshotgame MD5值:66fd4212918a81736bcc3278ee5f9dd9 备案号: 权限管理须知点击查看玩家留言精品推荐指尖捕鱼赢话费版 捕鱼大决战手机版 捕鱼大作战明星代言版 小玛丽捕鱼达人免费版 霸王捕鱼2024最新版 真人街机捕鱼千炮版原版 捕鱼季10000炮版 鱼丸游戏一夜暴富...
2、面对各种各样的小兵儿,随着时间的增加,他们的移动速度会增快。 3、各种各样轻松有趣的对抗内容,随时与诸多的玩家比拼,各自的战斗技巧。 展开+ 游戏截图 应用信息 名称:Lol Dodge Exercise 版本:7 包名:com.loldodgegame.skillshotgame MD5值:66fd4212918a81736bcc3278ee5f9dd9...
League of Skillshot Champions ◆ Xerath ◆ Ezreal We will add new league of legends champions Disclaimer : “ LoL Dodge Trainer Game “ is a fan-made LoL game that isn’t endorsed by Riot Games and doesn’t reflect the views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved in produ...
-New Dodge Game added -better performance -new settings Patch 9.1.0 -New Game Added League of Insec Patch 8.1.0 -Graphics changes because of copyrights claims -new charackter -new map Patch 8.0.0 -League of Skillshot Xerath added Patch 7.0.0 -League of Skillshot w added -Fov changes Pat...
LoL Dodge Game is a training tool for famous moba games like League of Legends. You can improve your mechanics or just warm up by playing one of our Games. There are 4 Game Types with multiple game modes for each of the games: Skillshot Game Dodge Game Kiting Game Farming Game All...
skillshot = 直线触发技能。比如堕落天使的Q和寒冰射手的R,使用此类技能需要很高的技巧和经验,毕竟不是放出去了敌人就一定会中的。aoe = 范围技能。pbaoe = 以某点为圆心的范围技能。比如雪人骑手的大招和各种光环。backdoor = 越位。没有自己的小兵掩护时进行拆塔或拆兵营的行为。ult = 大招,终极技能,就是R...
In an effort to evade the Great Eye’s gaze, some scripting suites claim to have “gone external,” and what they really mean is that they’re no longer calling game functions directly, only reading client memory (from the operating system) and simulating peripheral input. This actually affor...
dodge:秒退 elo:分段,比方说high elo就是高分段,low elo就是低分段,有些人喜欢抱怨this elo就...