LoLalytics analyses the current League of Legends meta for the best Build, Runes & Counters for Patch 15.6.
Overall, while he's not exactly OP in the current meta, he is definitely a champion that can 1v5 an entire team in the right hands. Simply put, Jax is a straightforward champion with a lot of potential and is extremely useful in most situations. He can also be played in the Jungle ...
allowing players more flexibility with their item builds and runes. Briar is a complex champion who has consistently been on the end of Riot Games' balancing hammer as they try to make her functional in the current meta.
If you would like to find out if Jarvan IV is currently in meta, take a look at ourWild Rift Tier List! And if you are interested inother champion buildsbeyond Wild Rift Jarvan IV, check our guides forFizz,Graves,Garen, and every other character from the game!
S:The best supports in Patch 14.17 A:Very powerful champions that are dependable in blind match-ups B:Strong supports in the right scenario C:Viable champions that require a strong level of experience F:The least optimized picks in the current meta...
Have you gotten tired of constantly reading patch notes, and crafting new OP meta builds for your champion and you just want a way to relax and enjoy this beautiful world of Runeterra that Riot Games has given us but you don’t know how to? Well, what do you think about taking a look...
Those are our picks for the best League of Legends champions for beginners. Once you’ve mastered these champions, we have theLoL tier listwith the current meta champions so you can start putting the sword to your enemies. Once the basics are yours to command, consider branching out – the...
According to Riot Phroxzon, the delicate balance between supports and ADCs presents a unique challenge in LoL’s meta. The strength of supports has reached a point where buffing ADCs risks reverting back to a dominant “bot lane” meta, where ADCs...
Starting item Doran’s Blade: Although boots have been considered a viable option for Jhin as a starter item in the past, we recommend Doran’s Blade as the best option for him in the current meta. It is the most common starting item across most champions in the role, and there isn’...
Season 13 has only just begun but a meta is clearly starting to develop in the jungle role. The role is responsible for securing objectives, clearing vision, being the team’s punching bag, and being blamed for everything that goes wrong in the game. Took a bad trade in lane? Blame the...