Vi Support Synergy The 3 best Support Synergy picks good with Vi are Nami, Pyke, and Nautilus. # Win Pick Game 1 55.32% 2.55% 188 2 56.36% 1.60% 118 3 53.37% 2.82% 208 4 54.01% 2.20% 162 5 56.37% 1.38% 102 6 58.33% 0.89% ...
Vi is currently beating up the pro play scene thanks to her ability to build tanky and still deal large amounts of damage. Our goal with these changes is to bring the damage down on her tankier builds and shift that power into AD ratios to reward those Vi AD stackers out there. Q -...
Build Path: Haunting Guise + Blasting Wand + 850 Gold ⇒ Haunting Guise + Fated Ashes + 800 Gold Total Gold Cost: Unchanged Verdant Barrier Build Path: Null-Magic Mantle + Amplifying Tome + Amplifying Tome + 450 Gold ⇒ Null-Magic Mantle + Amplifying Tome + Amplifying Tome + 350 Gold ...
// link:立即下载 1v1.LOL一切都在游戏中 ❗ 🛠😂1v1 has versions intended for different ages. You will be ...
Dusuludsdu Rank:User Rep:None (0) Status:Offline Recent Activity Guides, Discussions, & Media Blog Favorites More About Me BuildsVideosThreadsQuestionsTier ListsTeam Comps Mobafire Build GuidesLast Update|Last Comment Hybrid Off Tank Utility Movement Heimer (ARAM)Created:Oct 20th, 2015Last updated...
"We served the watchers willingly; the Seeker was their voice. She told us their desires, what to build, and who to kill." 我们尽心尽力地服侍着守望者;探索者是他们的发言人,由她告诉我们守望者的期望为何、要建造什么、要杀死谁。 (这里的探索者指的就是丽桑卓,因为她是唯一忠于守望者的冰裔。沙漏的...
BUILD THIS :: Recommended items updated to be better Passive - Living Forge BUGFIX :: Ornn players can no longer upgrade ally items mid-dash duringE - Searing ChargeandR - Call of the Forge God, canceling the dash Q - Volcanic Rupture ...