Killing the ADC is one of the main goals of any team. However, what happens when you can't FIND the enemy AD carry? I played against a team comp like this earlier, and let me tell was one of the most frustrating experiences ever as a bruiser. Check it out below: SUGGEST...
Create, share and discuss strategy builds for the multi-player online battle arena, League of Legends. Fans can create team strategies, single strategies, vs strategies or theories including champion guides and rune builds. Start sharing your favorite Le
Dominate your matches with the best heroes for each map in Overwatch 2. Overwatch’s gameplay allows its players to freely pick and choose the best hero for the job. With an impressive roster of 30+ heroes, its variation in team comp is the game’s biggest hallmark. It makes every matc...
I'm [champion], I'm helping :): Refers to a champion that tries to help but ends up messing their team up (see GIF onthis page) Insec:Refers to knocking an enemy player back into your team by getting behind them, not to be confused with Blitzcrank or Gragas. More like Azir, Lee...
Ranking the best Supports in LoL 14.17 for your Ranked climb! Teams heavily rely on the amount of map awareness, clutch saves and team sustain that Support players provide. At the same time, their powerful crowd control abilities can set up game-winning plays seen in and out of pro-play....
(with their run in 2023), then pack it all in within 18 months and walk away from the Riot-run esport ahead of changes. “They basically did nothing,” one LCS fan wrote in response to Gafford’s report. “Legit nothing… they just bought the CLG team and let it run itself then ...
Team comp: Select in champ select who will be the solo roamer. This person should probably take ghost (map mobility) as well as flash (more mobility) or ignite or exhaust (dueling) The solo roamer should either be a good defensive champion that can hold down an area,( such as Heimerding...
1.Draft a pick comp 2.Force 5v5 teamfights against Ornn Maokai 3.??? 4.Lose -DRAFT LB INTO MAOKAI FOR FUN -C9 got gaslighted by LCS thinking they could bruteforce at Worlds. -Unlucky for C9 that enemy botlane actually has real players so they lose their main win condition ...
Besides his incredible mobility, Fizz also deals hefty magic damage, making him a good assassin pick if your team comp is lacking AP. Plus, his shark ultimate can also one-shot low health enemies (and looks totally badass!). Just make sure you get plenty of practice landing it though, ...
Our goal is to keep evolving WP to better represent the state of the game; some additional features we’re looking to add in future iterations of WP include: - Team comp data (strength & scaling) - Micro interactions in team-fights - Individual dragons taken and type of dragon souls To ...