5% Movement Speed Passive - Shipwrecker: While moving, build up to 40 bonus Move Speed. Your next Attack discharges built up Move Speed to deal up to 40 (+100% base AD) bonus physical damage. Passive - Unsinkable: The strength of movement slowing effects is reduced by 25%. Force of Na...
Ahriin#NA1 na 51.52% 825 x 713 x 105 x 6 x 1 32 M repTV#swift euw 61.90% 63 x 49 x 9 x 3 x 2 33 M JANNA OP#EUNE eune 64.76% 105 x 70 x 33 x 1 x 1 34 D I Full AD Najman#6969 euw 72.22% 54 x 53 x 1 35 GM Luckyyy#sorte br 57.75% 142 x 117 x 15 x 4...
Houkou Gobi#Ahri las 63.56% 118 x 117 x 1 15 CH bruna atira mt#ppa br 55.51% 236 x 133 x 82 x 14 x 6 x 1 16 CH Lechu#tag eune 56.61% 189 x 184 x 5 17 CH Account birbante#EUW euw 54.44% 90 x 87 x 3 18 GM MirrowFox#EUW euw 57.24% 152 x 151 x 1 19 M 만번...
Riftmaker fills a very strong niche for fighters and sustained damage dealers, but could potentially be widened a bit to provide an off-build for more champs. Don't sleep on: Night Harvester Ekko is comparable and often better than Rocketbelt. Also Rocketbelt is quite good on Diana Jungle....
Ahri Cassiopeia Corki Diana Kayle Kennen Lissandra Malzahar Pantheon Pyke Qiyana Xerath Zoe B-Tier Aurelion Sol Brand Ekko Galio Garen Heimerdinger Kog’Maw Malphite Rumble Seraphine Sylas Taliyah Tristana Vel’Koz Viktor Ziggs C-Tier Annie
Skarner FloppingSkarner in his current state isn't finding much success on the rift. Meanwhile, safe, bursty spellcasters like Ahri and Lux are still performing quite well across the board. Lastly, Briar is still lowkey quite good despite her nerfs and should certainly still be feared. .....
damage portion of his E, so assassins who can one-shot him do quite well. Plus, these kinds of champions usually have decent mobility, so that helps to dodge out of Yone's dash and ultimate. Zed, Katarina, Wukong, Nocturne, Jayce and Ahri are six of the top performers in this ...
The 3 best Mid Lane Synergy picks good with Gangplank are LeBlanc, Ahri, and Brand. # Win Pick Game 1 55.61% 2.09% 98 2 54.35% 1.96% 92 3 61.11% 0.77% 36 4 59.21% 0.81% 38 5 57.50% 0.85% 40 6 56.58% 0.81% 38 7 57.35% ...
Ahri Ashe Fiora Vayne Renekton Volibear Yasuo Rammus Cassiopeia Master Yi Samira Fiddlesticks Rumble Karma Ezreal Zeri Yone Nilah Azir Sett Kayle Alistar Most of these champions have powerful kits Arena. But they often just fall behind in the end. Nevertheless, if one of these champions is your...
And if you are interested in other champion builds and not only Wild Rift Fiora, check our guides for Ashe, Akali, Ahri and every other character from the game! Cristina Mesesan Cristina is a lifelong gamer who also loves digital art, she's worked as an animator and tried some game ...