2014/01/17 Cybergundam HOT TOYS, THOR 亦正亦邪的洛基一直備受粉絲歡迎,於早前上映的《雷神奇俠2:黑暗世界》中表現更加突出成為一大亮點! Hot Toys現隆重推出大家萬眾期待的《雷神奇俠2:黑暗世界》:1:6比例洛基珍藏人偶。此珍藏人偶更設有特別版,將備有於片尾出現的邪惡能量1:6比例Aether珍藏配件供Secret Base...
Loki is the Jötunn/Asgardian God of Mischief and Prince of Lies, the adopted son of Odin and typically nemesis of his brother, Thor, as well as the adoptive brother to former Guardian of the Galaxy, Angela. Loki has schemed against Thor and Asgard for
Loki is the Jötunn/Asgardian God of Mischief and Prince of Lies, the adopted son of Odin and typically nemesis of his brother, Thor, as well as the adoptive brother to former Guardian of the Galaxy, Angela. Loki has schemed against Thor and Asgard for
Firstly introduced to Marvel Cinematic Universe in the movie Thor in 2011, Loki’s popularity has soared over the years. Today, Hot Toys is elated to present the brand new 1/6th scale Loki collectible figure from the Loki collection series. Masterfully crafted based on the appearance of Tom H...
The mighty Thor is no exception, and given his mythical history, the hammer-holder has faced the toughest enemies of both men and gods within Marvel comics. Thor has matched wits with witchy women, tackled tyrants, and stopped savage brutes from destroying the Nine Realms. Some of his ...
Hot Toys 在《復仇者聯盟4: 終局之戰》 1:6比例珍藏人偶繼「短髮版」Captain Marvel 後,又再帶來新作!這次Hot Toys 將推出新版本的洛基1:6比例珍藏人偶!洛基人偶的極像真頭雕由Hot Toys韓國團隊參照型男Tom Hiddleston的五官輪廓和髮型所設計而成,並配搭上一個嘴角略帶邪氣、眼神冷漠並帶嘲弄的表情神髓;同時...
12:11 Hot Toys 洛基 Loki 骗子玩具 0 6年前 03:50 开局强吻裂口女 Loki是欧美控 0 2年前 02:34 辛普森一家与漫威梦幻联动,丽莎竟 嘟嘟讲漫V 0 5月前 00:59 Loki再次被红玫瑰诅咒,母亲病 国创新纪元 0 13天前 01:37 可爱的大雄用练习两年半的手艺堆雪 Loki是欧美控 0 2年前 04:44 重...
16:51 The Mighty Thor 血字辈的马甲 0 10年前 12:11 Hot Toys 洛基 Loki 骗子玩具 0 6年前 01:28 洛基:最新大事件剧情,彻底洗白成 迷鹿物语 0 5年前 02:34 漫威:洛奇穿越时空,成功统治了整 0 3年前 02:49 辛普森一家之复仇者联盟,洛基遭遇 毒邪电影 0 2年前 02:19 洛基来到春田镇,逃...
The Marvel Cinematic Universe character,played byTom Hiddleston, has been a fan favorite ever since his first time movie debut inThor. Since then, Loki has been inThe Avengers,Thor: The Dark World, andThor: Ragnarok, before meeting his untimely end at the hands of Thanos inAvengers Infinity ...
MOVIE MASTERPIECE “THOR: THE DARK WORLD” LOKI 1/6 SCALE FIGURE Thor’s stepbrother appears here in his outfit from the recent film. He comes with alternate hands, a dagger and manacles, and is listed at $229.99. http://www.bigbadtoystore...