Unlock() return nil } func (i *Ingester) flushChunks(ctx context.Context, fp model.Fingerprint, labelPairs labels.Labels, cs []*chunkDesc) error { ... if err := i.store.Put(ctx, wireChunks); err != nil { return err } ... return nil } pkg/ingester/instance.go中 func ...
ingester panic due bad to query.. panic: error parsing regexp: missing argument to repetition operator: `*` goroutine 1737352 [running]: github.com/grafana/loki/pkg/parser.mustNewMatcher(0x2, 0xc04313f850, 0xc, 0xc04313f82d, 0x1, 0xc03b2...
loki核心服务distributor、ingester、querier没有分离,而是启动在一个实例当中; 抛弃了consul和etcd外部的kv存储,而是直接用memberlist在内存中维护集群状态; 使用boltdb-shipper替代其他日志索引方案 这样看起来,Loki集群的整体架构就比较清晰,且更少的依赖外部系统。简单总结了下,除了用于存储chunks和index而绕不开的S3存储...
I am trying out loki 3.2.0 and attempting to use the explore logs / pattern ingester functionality. I am getting a very large volume of these messages logged to loki's stdout, which I wasn't before: Sep 21 20:07:22 loki loki-linux-amd64[5197]: level=warn ts=2024-09-21T20:07:22...
logging-loki-ingester-0 0/1 Running 0 1d Theloki-ingesterlogs shows an error with the ring: Raw msg="found an existing instance(s) with a problem in the ring, this instance cannot become ready until this problem is resolved. The /ring http endpoint on the distributor (or single binary...
left_ingesters_timeout: 30s bind_addr: [''] bind_port: 7946 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Loki的memberlist使用的是gossip协议来让集群内的所有节点达到最终一致性的。此部分的配置几乎都是协议频率和超时的控制,保持默认的就好 ingester ...
Loki在分布式部署的模式下,保存Ingester服务的状态主要有3个渠道,分别是etcd、consul和基于gossip协议的memberlist。不管Loki用的是什么方式,它们最终都是将哈希环以KV的方式保存。再聊Loki之前,先来了解下一致性哈希的基本概念。 一致性哈希是在1997年由麻省理工学院提出的一种分布式哈希(DHT)实现算法。相较于普通的哈...
## values-promtail.yamlimage:tag:2.9.6#resources:# limits:# cpu: 2# memory: 2Gi# requests:# cpu: 100m# memory: 512Miconfig:clients:-url:http://loki-gateway/loki/api/v1/pushsnippets:extraLimitsConfig:|max_line_size: 256kb max_line_size_truncate: true ...
clients Promtail: Remove deprecated stream_lag_labels setting (#10677) 1年前 cmd cache: Enable embedded cache if no other cache is configured. (#10620) 1年前 debug docs: fix Promtail / Loki capitalization (#1130) 5年前 docs Doc: Fix link typos in documentation (#10722) ...
When not configured to accept out-of-order writes, the ingester validates that ingested log lines are in order. When an ingester receives a log line that doesn’t follow the expected order, the line is rejected and an error is returned to the user. ...