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4.3.2 Advertiser cannot attribute the Branded Content to USA TODAY or imply that the editorial or news staff of USA TODAY was involved in the creation of the articles or video. Advertiser can attribute the Branded Content to "GET Creative, a division of USA TODAY". 5.Labeling. Publisher's ...
Sign in to your account on any device to get unlimited access to breaking news, investigative stories, high school sports updates, and more. Sign In If you’re a subscriber but don’t have a login, create your account.Exclusive access to the eNewspaper The eNewspaper is a digital replica...
视频中所展现的“好友”,其实是“李鬼”。诈骗分子通过AI换脸、AI换声等技术,移花接木,以假乱真,冒充受害人亲朋好友,骗过受害者,达到诈骗目的。 随着AI的发展,诈骗手段越来越高科技化,诈骗成功率也越来越高。那么,被AI加持的换脸换声等技术真的那么“神”吗?魔高一尺道高一丈,对于AI诈骗,公众应该如何避免“入...
Judge rules for subsidized tenants; Decision goes against HUD in a case brought by subsidized tenants in Oak Grove Towers in Loring Park area.(NEWS)Brandt, Steve