这里说一下 File rotation 的情况,为了处理被 rotate 的情况,最好把 rotate 之后的文件名也加到 path 中(如上面所示),这里注意,如果start_position被设为beginning,被 rotate 的文件因为会被认为是新文件,而重新导入。如果用默认值end,那么在最后一次读之后到被 rotate 结束前生成的日志不会被采集。 其他一些配置...
path.data: /var/lib/filebeat/data filebeat.registry_file: /var/lib/filebeat/registry filebeat.shutdown_timeout: 0 logging.level: info logging.metrics.enabled: false logging.files.rotateeverybytes: 104857600 logging.files.keepfiles: 10 logging.files.permissions: 0600 setup.template.name: "filebeat"...
If limit is reached, log file will be # automatically rotated rotateeverybytes: 10485760 # = 10MB # Number of rotated log files to keep. Oldest files will be deleted first. keepfiles: 7 # Enable debug output for selected components. To enable all selectors use ["*"] # Other available ...
input{stdin{}}output{stdout{codec=>rubydebug}}# 如果需要对数据进操作,则需要加上filter段input{stdin{}}filter{# 里面可以包含各种数据处理的插件,如文本格式处理 grok、键值定义 kv、字段添加、# geoip 获取地理位置信息等等...}output{stdout{codec=>rubydebug}}# 可以定义多个输入源与多个输出位置input{stdi...
2、Logstash Output (Filebeat收集到数据,输出到logstash里。默认的配置文件里是有的,也可以得去官网上去找) 3、Redis Output (Filebeat收集到数据,输出到redis里。默认的配置文件里是没有的,得去官网上去找) 4、File Output (Filebeat收集到数据,输出到file里。默认的配置文件里是有的,也可以去官网上去找) 5、...
输入:输入源多样,解决本机及其他机器的日志源问题,同时抗住一定的流量,通过kafka等的缓冲 过滤:实现字段的增减及替换,各种字段格式 输出:存入es时不用再另外设置,即可实现日志的自动管理,对应settings/mapping/ilm,日志既能自动rotate,也可以映射正确,如果是集群,更能实现分片均匀分布,保证高可用...
rotate operation are now batched to reduce the number of IO calls. Empty file will not be uploaded by any rotation rotation strategy We now use Concurrent-Ruby for the implementation of the java executor If you have finer grain permission on prefixes or want faster boot, you can disable the...
The file input does not support other means of detecting changes in a file. 一是文件的inode变化了,即新生成一个文件; 二是如之前所说的文件rotate。 所以可以通过每次都往一个新文件里写内容(新的inode),在.conf中使用通配符: input{file{path=>"/Applications/logstash-5.6.3/test*.json"start_positio...
If the size of a file is greater than or equal to the value of size_rotate, OSS rotates the file. This parameter is valid only when rotation_strategy is set to size. Default value: 31457280. Unit: bytes. time_rotate Number No If the lifecycle of a file is greater than or equal to...
output { oss {"endpoint"=>"oss-cn-zhangjiakou-internal.aliyuncs.com""bucket"=>"Your bucket""prefix"=>"logstash/%{index}""recover"=>true"access_key_id"=>"Your access key id""access_key_secret"=>"Your access secret key""rotation_strategy"=>"size_and_time""time_rotate"=>2codec =>...