Conventionally, the default operation administrator account is bss_admin. Prerequisites for login using a USB key: You can use a USB key for login only when SM series cryptographic algorithms are used. It is recommended that a single USB key contain no more than five user certificates. Too man...
This code is a time-based one-time password that is valid for only a single session. It is generated by a third-party two-factor authenticator application, such as Google Authenticator. With two-factor authentication protecting your account, your data will be protected even in the case that...
🚨 You’ll need an Auth0 account from this step onward. Once again, you can sign up for an Auth0 account for free! We’ve taken great care to make the process as painless as possible. Now that you’ve set up the app to work with Auth0, it’s time to set up your Auth0 tena...
Otherwise, anyone who accesses any Google service from that browser, or Gmail itself, will be automatically in your account or inbox! To force a (manual) logout, look in the top right corner of any Gmail screen: you will see a series of links, the last of which reads "Sign out" - ...
3.3 OpenID Logout OpenID does not provide single logout although IdPs can provide a logout URL for the service providers. For example, Google staff in the developer discussion forum suggests that the service developer should either provide logout only from the service or redirect the browser to...
Clicking on the logout option provided by WordPress just logs out users from the WordPress site, but there are many cases where the users have to be logged out from the IDP side as well, so this feature is handy in such situations. Single Logout might be different flow in some cases, ...
We are introducing closer integration with Google IdP and others soon. For Shared Device Licenses users are prompted for Account Confirmation periodically and logged out if that is not done. When you log out of the application or website your session is ended, the next users needs to ...
wp_redirect(str_replace('&','&',wp_logout_url(get_permalink(wc_get_page_id('myaccount')));exit; }elseif(is_search() && is_post_type_archive('product') && apply_filters('woocommerce_redirect_single_search_result',true) && $wp_query->found_posts ==1) { $product...
Since the add-on is usually installed on a personal device and the lesspass account contains no passwords, I wonder whether the token could be valid for even longer than a week. I'm thinking of a period of up to 6 month - comparable with this of a google or facebook login. Another ...
Out of the box the project includes the New Relic Telemetry module, and as such requires a New Relic account id, and associated API key. If you don't use New Relic you can remove the dependancy from the build.gradle file and ignore the configuration values. ...