A superhero's logo is a powerful symbol that encapsulates their essence, mission, and brand. From the classic emblem of the Man of Steel to the spider-inspired symbol of the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man, superhero logos have become a cultural shorthand for heroism, justice, and the triumph...
From the classic Coca-Cola script to the minimalist Apple logo, each of these logos has its unique story and significance in the branding world. We will explore how these logos were created and what design elements make them so successful. We will also discuss the impact these logos have had...
He is also a reminder to all consumers of the deliciousness that comes from KFC's menu items. With his classic white suit and handlebar mustache, he serves as a beacon for the company, inviting everyone to come to taste what KFC has to offer. 9. Michelin The Michelin Man, also known...
Making use of the term’s superficial identity with the everyday name for human “word,” Heraclitus created an ironic paradox that served to emphasize the gulf that separates Logos, as the law of being, from human speech, falling short of it. The cosmic Logos, as befits the word, “...
This article counts down the top 10 best video game logos. These are not just cool designs – they are logos that have stood the test of time and become synonymous with their franchises. From Mario to Minecraft, here are the most iconic and memorable video game logos ever created. ...
This typeface takes inspiration from the old-style Garamond - a family of 16th century typefaces. The main difference is that Cormorant is a display typeface, intended for use in larger dimensions. This makes it a great logo font, especially as it also works on a smaller scale. It’s char...
The word "Pittsburgh" is removed from the road jersey, and replaced with "Pirates". 1957: The Pirates became the second team to begin wearing sleeveless jerseys. 1962: Numbers were introduced on the front of the home and road jerseys and have been there ever since. 1970: The Pirates became...
These logos have stood the test of time, seared themselves into the public consciousness, and influenced countless other logos that came after them. And, it helps to know where you’ve been to plan where you’re going. So, let’s get started. What can you learn from the most influential...
What’s in A Logo?“Logo” comes from the Greek word “logos” meaning “word or speech.” In the early days of typesetting, “logotype” referred to a typeset block that contained an entire word or phrase rather than individual letters because companies used logotypes to stamp their ...
One of the most exciting things about the history of logo design is that, despite its deep roots and extensive chronology, so much remains open to interpretation—and it continues to unfold before our eyes. Our ability to represent ourselves and things that matter to us symbolically will generat...