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If the InfoLevel field value specified in the NetWkstaUserLogoff message is 1, and the response is not an error, the RAPOutData field of the SMB_COM_TRANSACTION response MUST be filled with a NetWkstaUserLogoffResponseData structure.中文...
}unset($GLOBALS['DB'], $GLOBALS['DB_TYPE'], $GLOBALS['DB_SERVER'], $GLOBALS['DB_PORT'], $GLOBALS['DB_DATABASE'], $GLOBALS['DB_USER'], $GLOBALS['DB_PASSWORD'], $GLOBALS['SQLITE_TRANSACTION']);return$result; } 開發者ID:rennhak,項目名稱:zabbix,代碼行數:27,代碼來源
RDS 2012 R2: A timeout (30000 milliseconds) was reached while waiting for a transaction response from the (name-of-service) service RDS 2012 R2: User Profile Disks locked after logoff RDS 2012-RD Gateway Manager wont open from central RDS server manager RDS 2012, remote app AND remote deskt...
Though I have been working on UI5 for sometime, I had never explored Logoff functionality. I always thought that it would be as simple as calling an API and redirecting
Need to understand - com.hierynomus.smbj.session.Session.logoff:Line 193 - Caught exception while closing TreeConnect with id: 1 com.hierynomus.protocol.transport.TransportException: Connection reset Closed niravravalhighqopened this issueApr 23, 2018· 16 comments...
}unset($GLOBALS['DB'], $GLOBALS['DB_TYPE'], $GLOBALS['DB_SERVER'], $GLOBALS['DB_PORT'], $GLOBALS['DB_DATABASE'], $GLOBALS['DB_USER'], $GLOBALS['DB_PASSWORD'], $GLOBALS['SQLITE_TRANSACTION']);return$result; } 开发者ID:rennhak,项目名称:zabbix,代码行数:27,代码来源
RDS 2012 R2: A timeout (30000 milliseconds) was reached while waiting for a transaction response from the (name-of-service) service RDS 2012 R2: User Profile Disks locked after logoff RDS 2012-RD Gateway Manager wont open from central RDS server manager RDS 2012, remote app AND remote...
A timeout (30000 milliseconds) was reached while waiting for a transaction response from the gpsvc service. Ability to create GPOs, but only link them to specific OU About the Event ID 4098 Application Log in Event Viewer Access denied (Security filtering) ??? Access Denied (Security Filtering...
A timeout (30000 milliseconds) was reached while waiting for a transaction response from the Milestone Recording Server service. AAA-10787 WinE3 ALNG SubsVL MVL PerUsr Access Denied You don't have permission to access... Access MMC from Start Menu in Windows 10 Accessing share over port 80 ...