Facebook 公布了新 logo,意在通过不同颜色来代表旗下产品 Facebook、Instagram 和 WhatsApp。从字体设计上来说,新 logo 比较普通,更多功夫反而是用在配色上。通过该公司公布的一张 GIF 可以看到,蓝色字体代表 Facebook、绿色代表 WhatsApp、浅粉色代表 Instagram。 新logo 会在未来几周内被运用在 Facebook 产品和...
LogoMoose is a community and database Logo inspiration can be found using a search function. For example, if you enter search words such as ‘beer’, ‘cat’, ‘cooking’ or ‘restaurant’, corresponding results from designers from all over the world are displayed. ...
需要注意的是,旗下的社交平台 Facebook 的名称和品牌依然会保留,此次名称和品牌LOGO的变更只是公司层面。 2019年11月,Facebook 首次以公司的名义推出了企业品牌LOGO,大写的无衬线字标不仅可以与其产品LOGO做区分,而且将旗下的Facebook、Instagram、WhatsApp、Oculus 和 Messenger 产品有序的整合在一起。 而此次更名不...
Thursday L.★★★(Oct to Nov 2020) Have never found and hired a web designer via Google before (usually use sites like Upwork and Fiverr), but I took a chance when Subraa’s site came up in the search results. I contacted Subraa on WhatsApp on a Friday evening and suggested an im...
Facebook 公布了新 logo,意在通过不同颜色来代表旗下产品 Facebook、Instagram 和 WhatsApp。 该公司表示,新 logo 使用自定义字体,而且 “设计得清晰明了”,…
- Instagram, Facebook & WhatsApp stories - Professional business logos - White background photos for documents - Social media banners & posters - Product catalogues - Custom stickers & photo collages Blend is your complete design studio on your phone. No need for professional photographers or desi...
金融界美股讯 Facebook当地时间周一公布了全新的企业Logo样式。该公司表示,此举旨在将整个企业及其子公司(如WhatsApp和Instagram)与旗下社交媒体Facebook的Logo进行区分。 不同于以往标志性的蓝色小写字母风格“facebook”,在全新Logo中,Facebook所有字母均为大写。
If you are starting a new business or company, you can make the logo by yourself. Design a logo uniquely that represents your business. If you are YouTuber and want to make a logo for your youtube channel, Instagram, Facebook page, discord logo, and WhatsApp group. You can get the ...
Boost your marketing with QRCodeChimp, rated the best QR Code Generator and Management Platform for businesses! Easily create custom QR Codes with logos for free, and take advantage of features like advanced analytics, bulk uploads, and diverse QR shapes
值得一提的是,Meta方面指出,“这只是Facebook全新身份辨识系统的第一阶段”,因此也意味着该公司或还计划对Facebook进行更多的调整。 据Meta方面此前发布的2023年第二季度未经审计财报显示,该季度其包括Facebook、Instagram、Messenger、WhatsApp等在内的应用家族(Family of Apps)日活用户(DAU)达30.7亿、同比增长7%,月...