GIF是一种支持动画和透明背景的栅格图像文件,GIF最多只能显示256种颜色,所以GIF文件可以非常小。 63、JPEG格式 基于Web的设计中使用最广泛的光栅文件,JPEG是可快速加载的压缩文件。与GIF不同,它们不能具有透明背景(将自动添加白色背景)。 64、PNG PNG代表可移植网络图形,这是一种基于Web的格式,压缩后不会损失画面...
AI, CDR, EPS, GIF, JPG, PDF, PNG, PSD, BMP, SVG, TIFF What's included Service tiersStarter US$25 Standard US$70 Advanced US$100 Delivery time1 day2 days2 days Number of Revisions UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited Number of Initial Concepts ...
LogoYes是非常实惠的 – 只需99美分,用户可以获得高分辨率徽标,可以用于名片,印刷材料,网络等。支持的文件格式包括EPS,JPEG,PNG,GIF,PDF和SVG。 地址: 11.LogoMaker LogoMaker是一种流行的在线徽标设计工具,可让企业分三步创建徽标:选择您的行业; 从符号,字母和抽象图标库中选择图像; 并通过...
2. After selecting your image, simply load your own logo into the app (LogoLicious accepts .png .jpg and .gif files). TIP: Download your logo via a cloud service or email your logo file to an inbox connected to your mobile device ...$saaold.gif The new one has bird/wing connotations but is more based on the South African flag I think. Reply Josh April 28, 2010 at 16:04 Air Namibia has a very similar logo to Lufthansa too. Circle and bird. Reply Sandeep...
Easy Optimize and Convert Pictures, Make GIF, Draw Shapes, Generate QRCode. Easy Barcode and QR code Generator and batch convert to png, jpg, eps, svg, bmp. Customer Reviews Great, this is what I need! I am looking for a long time have not seen display effects like this product, ...
Description We will provide you with a template/small version of the logo we want. We need the vector and large version of the logo. It is for an extremely well known brand. Also we need a video and/or Gif that shows the logo spinning and makes it look fancy....
3、输出更流行的图像格式:支持您的标志出口到JPG , GIF , PNG , BMP , PCX , TGA , tiff文件( JPG或gif文件,可以设置图像的背景是透明的) 。还支持从自己的打印机分辨率高,打印标志。 4、图层编辑:像一个伟大的大力支持层编辑图像编辑器程序。 ,各层的功能,你可以控制你的标志中的各种对象的位置,你可以...
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