根据Front Office Sports的消息,阿迪达斯向美国专利商标局提交了一份异议通知,声称 LIV Golf 的标志“以一种令人困惑的方式包含了三道杠,与阿迪达斯的标志在外观和整体商业印象上具有相似性。”要求专利商标局停止对 LIV Golf 商标申请注册的支持。有律师认为,阿迪达斯不太可能赢得这场官司。最后的结果很可能会达成...
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Saudi Arabia has made major strides in hosting and sponsoring high profile sports events including the F1 Grand Prix and LIV Golf. With the Asian Games and World Cup set for next decade, the Kingdom is now ready to pursue its ultimate goal – stagi...