This article is structured in four sections that are the result of the phenomenological research that was developed in the Doctorate program in Educational Sciences of the Universidad del Magdalena, under the line of research, "pedagogy and interculturality"...
In order to finalize, one sets out with E. Morin to relate without confusing the interdisciplinary approach and the transdisciplinary approach in the direction of knowledge and university speeches.BravoUniversidaddeLeónUniversidaddeLuisUniversidaddeFernandoUniversidaddeCuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana...
Guinot Rodríguez, José LuisServicio de Oncología Radioterápica, Instituto Valenciano de Oncología (IVO), Valencia, España;Universidad Católica San Vicente Mártir de Valencia, Valencia, España;Elsevier EspañaRevista Hispanoamericana de Hernia...