Halten Sie Ihr Logodesign einfach und sauber. Dadurch wird sichergestellt, dass Ihr Logo auch bei einer kleinen Größe gut aussieht. Denken Sie daran, wie winzig die Profilbilder in Ihrem Facebook- oderTwitter-Feedsind. Verwenden Sie einen transparenten Hintergrund für Ihr Logo. Auf diese ...
Share on FacebookShare on Twitter We all know that it is very important to choose the right font when working on a brand design projects. The decision on what font to use is a critical point in any logo design. When speaking about business logos, large companies requires elegant, clean an...
the language of design has propelled him into meaningful collaborations with renowned brands, including Fenty Skin, Target, and Facebook. Referring to his in-depth understanding of design terminologies and concepts, he now writes informative content on logos, print, and packaging designs for ...
Rocky,March 12, 2023 Fantastic resource. Libraco imprescindible Luis,April 29, 2022 Pensaba que era pequeño pero es enorme!! Tiene un montón de información, textos. Es buena base para empezar cualquier trabajo de diseño. Te orienta y te de una idea general antes de ponerte a trabajar...
His knack for speaking the language of design has propelled him into meaningful collaborations with renowned brands, including Fenty Skin, Target, and Facebook. Referring to his in-depth understanding of design terminologies and concepts, he now writes informative content on logos, print, and ...
All your photos in one place. Photos can end up in various online sites. So, it will be hard to keep track. To better manage your photos, Desyne lets you import photos from multiple networks like Unsplash, Pixabay, Instagram, Facebook, Flickr and Picasa. ...
Ha creato delle pagine personali sui suoi lavori con più di 40mila follower da tutto il mondo su Facebook e Instagram. Alcuni suoi progetti sono stati menzionati da portali come Adweek, Design Taxi e Fast.co. Marco Agustoni Esperto di Adobe Illustrator e insegnante del corso di Gra...
通过回顾Facebook的品牌历史和探讨其logo设计含义,我们可以看到Facebook在社交媒体领域的巨大影响力和成功。Facebook的logo设计以圆形、向左箭头和蓝色为主要元素,体现了其开放、友好、连通和可靠的价值观。这一设计不仅使Facebook的品牌在全球范围内广为人知,也塑造了公司形象的重要组成部分。 Facebook作为社交网络的先驱...
Facebookx.comLinkedInCorreo electrónico Imprimir Artigo 10/26/2023 5 colaboradores Comentarios Neste artigo Utilice temas para mellorar a interface de usuario e para crear a marca do seu produto Coñecemento da solución Copiar e cambiar o tema existente ...
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