Logo is an educational programming language designed to assist all those who want to learn computer science in a fun and modern way. Using simple instructions you will get outstanding programs quickly and easily. Your turtle needs programs written in Logo language to move or draw, at least for...
1.西蒙•派珀特的建构主义观——“在制作中学习” 西蒙•派珀特(Seymour Papert)于1968年发明了LOGO编程语言(LOGO programming language ),自20世纪70年代开始,他一直致力于通过LOGO语言帮助儿童成为他们自己“智力建设”的建设者。在其1980年出版的著作《头脑风暴:儿童、计算机及充满活力的创意》(Mindstorms: Children...
My son was into “Secret Coders“, a graphic novel series wherein a pair of kids discover and thwart a plot to take over the world by learning to program in theLOGO computer language. When I told him that these “turtle bots” were originally actually real physical things, he wanted one...
Logo, a computer programming language that originated in the late 1960s as a simplified LISP dialect for use in education; Seymour Papert and others used it at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to teach mathematical thinking to schoolchildren. It had a more conventional syntax than...
My turn: A talk with the Logo turtle.Features the use of Logo turtle, a computer software language used in mathematics education. Effectivity of computers in school; Logo language as an evolving language; Use of different types of programs by students; Connections between Logo and curriculum ...
The computer programming language Logo, was developed by Papert with the worthy ideal that it would allow children to engage in learning with computers in an active and meaningful way. The most widely used aspect of Logo for elementary school children, is turtle graphics. Papert claimed that the...
Logois an interactive programming language mainly used for learning. First,Logois really good for drawing because inLogoyou draw using a "turtle" that you must teach what you want to draw. Logois also a powerful dynamic programming language: you can build a fully new program in your... ...
First, Logo is really good for drawing because in Logo you draw using a "turtle" that you must teach what you want to draw. Logo is also a powerful dynamic programming language: you can build a fully new program in your... Category: Utilities / Misc. Utilities Publisher: Lionel LaskA...
In the old days (say, 1979), people tolerated that limitation; they doet have to anymore, and neither should today's Logo user. To be fair, the Color Computer's multiple turtles represent an extremely nice implementation of turtle graphics, but it is only half a language, in my opinion....
Mark Eckenwiler (Hrsg.): "Logo – A Language for Learning" (The Commodore 64 Logo Tutorial)Links[edit | edit source]Wikipedia: Logo_(programming_language) Commodore Languages List by Dan Fandrich Commodore 64 Logo – Turtle Graphics for the C64 Logo Course in magazine Happy Computer,...