Logitech G X56 flight and space simulator stick & throttle put realistic, customizable cockpit controls at your fingertips. Perfect for VR games.
Base Controls with 7 Toggles and 2 Rotaries 4 English GETTING STARTED Drivers and Software Installation Windows® 7/8/10 1. Download and install the X56 HOTAS software from logitech.com/support /x56 2. After reading the Disclaimer, select the 'I accept the terms of the Disclaimer' ...
1. Download and install the X56 HOTAS software from logitech.com/support/x56 2. After reading the Disclaimer, select the 'I accept the terms of the Disclaimer' option and click 'NEXT' to continue 3. At the Plug In screen, plug the Stick and Throttle units into the PC. Click ‘Next’...
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Download X56 Software Now VR Verisimilitude Not only is an advanced HOTAS like X56 mirroring what you see on screen in the latest games, the controls are also confidently positioned in your hands. For these reasons, plus the immense number and sensitivity of controls, X56 is ideal for head...
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