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Logitech 羅技G G29 Driving Force 賽車方向盤 941-000142 香港行貨 27個評價 銷量>100件 贈送積分1999 HK$1999 HK$ 2999 節省HK$1000 轉數快3%折扣價錢 : HK$ 1940 免息分期 VIP 優惠 滿$500 免運費 會員 額外再減$250! 加入購物車 立即升級, 專享最強優惠 ...
Quick Look at Logitech G920 Driving Force Shift Into Overdrive To take the racing simulation experience over the top, add the realism of a dedicated shifter. With a short-throw feel in a 6-speed “H” pattern shifter with push-down reverse, the Driving Force Shifter from Logitech G is a...
Driving Force 踏板底座配備適用於硬質表面的橡膠腳墊與專利的可伸縮毛氈握把系統,讓您的踏板可保持在您所放置的正確位置不會偏移。 享受極致高速駕駛體驗 為獲得超越顛峰的賽車模擬體驗,我們加入了真實的專用變速器。羅技 G 系列的 Driving Force 變速器是一款 6 檔 H 模式的快速變速器,並配備下壓倒檔功能,讓您一...
planet & people we’re creating a better future for our planet and society discover how logitech is pioneering new ways of working to design for a sustainable and equitable world – and how everyone can play a part. learn more planet people recycle reporting take action ...
G29 Driving Force 賽車方向盤 適用於 Playstation 3 和 Playstation 4 的賽車方向盤。在 PS3 和 PS4 中身臨其境地感受路面狀況。精準換檔、真實無比的控制台、900 度方向盤旋轉讓駕駛體驗精彩無比,為您斬獲優勢。 詳細介紹 Logitech G29 Driving Force 賽車方向盤 ...
Weight 2250 g Sales Package 1 x Steering Wheel, 1 x Pedal Set, 1 x Power Adapter, 1 x User Documentation. Manufacturing, Packaging and Import Info Frequently Bought Together Logitech G29 Driving Force Racing Wheel,Floor Pedals Motion Cont... 4.4(289) ₹32,995 ₹36,995 10% o...
Make a good deal when shopping your Logitech G29 Driving Force. Klarna's easy Wheel & Pedal Sets price comparison tools will help you find the best deal!
中等 需要更多图片 简介 转到步骤 1 This guide talks through the process for replacing pedals in the Logitech G29 Driving Force controller. For full replacement desoldering the pedals is necessary. To access the insides of the pedal box, a Philips #1 screwdriver is recommended. ...
logitech 罗技 DRIVING FORCE六速手动变速杆排档G29/G923方向盘赛车驾驶爆料人: 小小值机器人 23-11-09发布 极速发 该商品正在促销,最终到手价359.0元/件,喜欢可入。 简明购买步骤 1 加购 当前商品1件 2 下单 实付359元 游戏实时好价排行 香港直邮 现货 Switch塞尔达传说 荒野之息 旷野 DLC 扩充票 中文 ...